Blood Pressure Superfood Smoothie Seminar (The seminar your doctor wants you to watch)

Learn how to lower your blood pressure naturally with the 28 Day Lower your Blood Pressure Superfood Smoothie Seminar.
This seminar gives an easy to follow plan based on using superfood smoothies for lowering blood pressure. If you have high blood pressure – your doctor likely told you to start doing things to naturally lower your blood pressure (like diet, exercise, reduce alcohol and nicotine, etc.). This seminar was specifically built to change your diet to include the foods your doctor wants you to consume to help lower your blood pressure naturally through what you eat.
The lower your blood pressure seminar starts with a 5-day detox, followed by 23 days of consuming 1 -2 superfood smoothies per day and a healthy meal per day. The superfood smoothie seminar utilizes superfood smoothie recipes and green smoothie recipes to accelerate your rate of fat loss and dilate your arteries to increase circulation naturally and do it in healthy way that makes it easy to stick with.
All our superfood smoothie recipes can be found for free on our website. These recipes were carefully crafted to be low calorie, filling, and extremely delicious. You can filter these recipes to display the recipes that use the most beneficial foods known to help support lowering your blood pressure naturally.
This seminar features nutrition expert and co-founder of My Nutrition Advisor, Dr. John Fitzgerald. Dr. John Fitzgerald has used intermittent fasting and superfood smoothies on over 10,000 patients since the early 1990’s and has authored books Fat Loss The Truth, Nutrition Hacks The Truth, and a Superfood Smoothie Recipe Book.
Remember: This challenge is not meant to replace the advice from your doctor; it is meant to help you with diet choices that your doctor likely recommends. Always discuss your strategies with your doctor and ensure you carefully monitor your blood pressure levels.

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