Benefits of Vitamin D

There is recent and mounting evidence that links low levels of vitamin D to an increased risk of type 1 diabetes, muscle and bone pain, and, perhaps more serious, cancers of the breast, colon, prostate, ovaries, esophagus, and lymphatic system.

If you want to lower your blood pressure, vitamin D may be just what the doctor ordered. If you’re trying to reduce your risk of diabetes, or lower your chances of heart attacks, rheumatoid arthritis, or multiple sclerosis, then vitamin D should be at the front of the line in your daily supplement regimen.

Joe DiMatteo is a registered pharmacist, certified clinical nutritionist, homeopath and doctor of naturopathy. Joe is the host of The Ask the Pharmacist Radio Broadcast heard nationally on SiriusXM channel 131. Please visit for more information.

vitamin d3 benefits

Source: Benefits of Vitamin D

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