Is Garcinia Cambogia Safe While Breastfeeding? The Truth About Taking This Supplement

People who have been struggling with their weight issues often use supplements to help them shed off the extra pounds. One of the supplements that are claimed to help a lot in reducing weight is the Garcinia Cambogia. This supplement is believed to deliver satisfying and also quick result. Not only does it help people to lose weight but it will also improve their overall health level. However, there are some considerations that people should know before they consume this supplement. One of the concern is if Garcinia Cambogia is safe while breastfeeding.

Understanding Garcinia Cambogia

Garcinia is a fruit, small in size and has the resemblance of a pumpkin. It comes from Southeast Asia, India, and Central Africa where the fruit has been used for centuries as a medicinal and natural dieting method. In the past, the fruit was not very popular because it does not taste so good, but its health functionality is truly great. Ancient documents have pointed out that the fruit had been consumed by traveler who had to go to lengthy distance with so little food.

How The Supplement Works

Only recently the Western medical world started to understand the benefits of consuming Garcinia Cambogia, especially when it is turned and processed into weight loss supplement. It contains the active ingredient Hydroxycitric Acid – HCA – which is believed to be responsible for the weight loss effect. The HCA is able to inhibit the enzyme lyase production which will delay the process of changing the carbs becoming glycogen and glucose – which will be stored within the body as fat deposit.

Not only it delays the production of the enzyme lyase, it also boosts the organs and systems communicative channels that are responsible for feeling full and satisfied. When people consume this supplement, they will feel full immediately, so they will not be tempted to eat, binge, or snack.

But Why Should Pregnant Moms Avoid Consuming This Supplement?

For a starter, the supplement will affect the blood sugar and create instant fulfilling sense, which can be dangerous for breastfeeding moms since they need all the nutrients they can get from the food they eat. When they feel full and stop eating, their nutritional needs will not be fulfilled. Moreover, the fruit can increase the metabolic rate which can bring a negative effect for pregnant and nursing moms.

These moms can not take drastic changes to the body and they can not risk endangering themselves as well as their babies when they consume the supplement. Furthermore the garcinia supplement has not undergone intense testing to analyze the effects it has on children under 18. And since whatever a mother consumes will be past down to her babe through breast milk, it is best to avoid consuming the supplement for their own safety as well as for their young babe.

Is Garcinia Cambogia Safe While Breastfeeding? The Truth About Taking This Supplement by Stephanie Kayle

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