A Review of CLA Fat Loss Burner

What is CLA Fat Burner, and does it work? CLA is also known as conjugated linoleic acid, and it's been touted as a remedy to reduce body fat. It may even increase muscle tissue. Those who are most interested in CLA Fat Loss Burner are those who want to lose fat, and those who are athletes. It may in fact truly have benefit when it comes to both losing fat in gaining muscle.

How does CLA work?

Conjugated linoleic acid basically works by keeping fat cells from growing too large; the premise is that it may block enzymes that let fat cells grow.

Other researchers have suggested that CLA alters body composition by boosting muscle and burning fat because it metabolizes fat through a process that's fairly complex. Basically, our bodily enzymes, like hormone sensitive lipase and lipoprotein lipase, appear to both speed up fat burning and block the uptake of new fat.

Is it scientifically backed?

A recent Scandinavian study decided to determine whether or not CLA could help people lose weight specifically by reducing fat mass overall. The study was relatively small, only 60 overweight people, and these participants were not allowed to diet.

The people in the study were either given 9 g of olive oil (placebo), or 6.8, 5.1, 3.4, or 1.7 g of CLA every day for a 12 week period. Participants' body compositions were measured before, midway through, and after the study, to determine whether or not any changes had occurred. And in fact, the results were quite promising. Participants lost about 2.2 pounds in 12 weeks.

That does not seem like much, but researchers were encouraged because participants did not otherwise change their diets or go on "special diets," and still lost weight. Moreover, all of this weight loss came from fat loss.

Other studies have shown promises with CLA, too; another study tried to combine CLA with the herbal stimulant guarana. The herbal stimulant, which contains caffeine, increased results even further when used with the CLA, by decreasing fat cells' size by 50% in six weeks. Therefore, this possible combination has even more promise (although it may have contraindications for some people too, namely its caffeine use).

Should you try CLA?

Trying CLA probably can not hurt and may certainly help with weight loss, although you should check with your health care practitioner to make sure this is appropriate for you. Researchers have generally set the daily dosage at 3000 mg or 3 g, divided into three dosages of a gram each, taken with meals.

Further, if you boost your CLA intake further, and take between 3000 to 6000 mg of CLA, split into three dosages and taken with meals, you may also induce muscle growth. (It should also go without saying that a good diet and exercise will certainly make you healthier and will probably induce weight, too, along with taking CLA Fat Burner.)

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