How to make Liposomal encapsulated Vitamin C at home!

How to make Liposomal encapsulated Vitamin C at home!
How to make Liposomal encapsulated Vitamin C at home!

Hi everyone. Please note that this video has been produced to encourage others to try natural Vitamin C at home for themselves. It was created because we as a family have had some success with this protocol and it has helped our family members in their fight to cure themselves of cancer.

Everyone’s story is different and I share with you the story and part of the treatment that has helped two of my loved ones.

If you want to know more please do your own research, as our case study is only one of many thousands out there that are readily available online.

Here are some of the many benefits of consuming Vitamin C in this way, plus you can find the recipe details below.

Mind clarity
Easier to stay focused
Better Vision
Feeling of peacefulness
More Energy
Reduced hunger levels
Weight Loss
Prevents Radiation Damage
Improved Joints
Improved Hair
Improved Skin
Decreased Chronic back pain
Decreased depression
Decreased allergies
Decreased PMS
Lowered anxiety levels
Better sleeping
Easier to Wake in morning
Hangover Cure
…and more

The ingredients that I have used for this recipe are as follows: please feel fee to double or triple the quantities depending on the size of your Ultrasonic cleaner.

Soak 37g of Non GMO lecithin granules in 400mls of cold distilled water for 1-2 hours.

Dissolve 30g of pure Ascorbic Acid/Vitamin C in 200mls of cold distilled water.

Blend the Soaked lecithin and dissolved Ascorbic Acid in a high speed blender for 1 minute.

Pour this mixture into an ultrasonic cleaner and turn it on for 30 minutes in total, stirring continuously with a non reactive plastic spoon ( I use a disposable plastic straw)

When the time is up and the mixture is done, pour it in to a clean sealed glass container and store in the refrigerator.

We consume 30mls of this liquid every day, first thing in the morning.

You need to take it on an empty stomach and do not drink for 30 minutes after taking and do not eat for 1 hour after taking.

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