Premium Blood Pressure Support Formula – High Blood Pressure Supplement w/ Vitamins, Hawthorn, Niacin, Garlic Extract, Hibiscus, Olive & Juniper for Reducing Blood Pressure Naturally – 90 Capsules

Blood Pressure Vitamins!

Blood Pressure Support was created to help support normal blood pressure levels and is comprised of Vitamins and Herbs including Vitamin C for its antihypertensive properties and Vitamin B-6 which acts to lower blood pressure as well as a natural diuretic.

Our Blood Pressure pills contain Niacin, a natural vasodilator in that it widens blood vessels resulting in decreased pressure against the vessel walls, helping lower BP.

Folic Acid is beneficial in that it helps keep arteries flexible along with making the receptors that sense BP more accurately, so that proper levels can be maintained.

Last of the vitamins is Vitamin B-12 which aids red blood cell production, essential for normal BP.

Hypertension Herbs!

We add a blend of natural cures for high blood pressure including Garlic Extract to increase vasodilation and Hawthorn Berry Extract to improve blood volume during contractions, widen blood vessels, and increase transmission of nerve signals. 

Olive Leaf Extract and Hibiscus Flower have been used to reduce BP for centuries.  And Green Tea Extract relaxes blood vessels which results in lower your blood pressure naturally.

Finally, a blend of natural herbal diuretics, Uva Uris, Juniper Berry, and Buchu Leaves to help rid the body of excess fluid resulting in lower BP levels.

Choose Sigmaceutical Blood Pressure Support

With our lifetime unconditional money back guarantee, buying our Made in USA, FDA approved, GMP-compliant Blood Pressure Support should be a very easy decision to make!

Just click ‘Add to Cart’ to order 90 capsules right away!

HAWTHORN BERRY – Long history as a heart remedy. The Chinese & Greeks used the berries for circulatory problems and heart disorders!
POWERFUL VASODILATORS – Garlic and Niacin are both natural vasodilators which have been shown to widen blood vessels!
OLIVE LEAF – Reduces blood pressure through a number of different mechanisms, including, vasodilation, reducing inflammation and oxidative stress!
POTENT DIURETICS – Uva Ursi, Juniper Berry, and Buchu Leaves along with Vitamin B6 help your body rid itself of excess fluid that has been linked to hypertension!
OUR GUARANTEE – All Sigmaceutical products are a safe buy because we offer a fully unconditional lifetime guarantee for our FDA-approve & GMP-compliant Supplements! Click Add to Cart’ to order now & treat yourself the way you really should – with care & love!

Buy now… $18.79

Source: Premium Blood Pressure Support Formula – High Blood Pressure Supplement w/ Vitamins, Hawthorn, Niacin, Garlic Extract, Hibiscus, Olive & Juniper for Reducing Blood Pressure Naturally – 90 Capsules

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