The Smoking Section: Memories of America’s most hated vice

In The Smoking Section, twenty-one smokers, former smokers and never-smokers from across America take a lighthearted look at America’s most hated vice.
We start out as children hating cigarettes and smoke. Then how in the world do we end up addicted to nicotine, craving that next drag? Often there is someone who leads us to the dark side… perhaps it was an older sibling that we looked up to, or the ‘cool kid’ with the leather jacket.
Even if we’ve quit the habit and we know our health is better, sometimes we still think about smoking. Sometimes we may dream about having a cigarette. Sometimes we may “cheat” and have a cigarette when we’re out with friends. And sometimes, we succumb and are drawn back into the smoking section permanently.
The Smoking Section takes a lighthearted and humorous look at the addiction.

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Source: The Smoking Section: Memories of America’s most hated vice

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