Tar in Cigarette – Still want to smoke? – Quit Smoking

Experiment of 400 cigarettes
No wonder why humans get lung cancer !!
Think about this: The sticky Tar contains poison and remains in your lungs each time you smoke and your lungs need much calorie to remove these poisons from your blood!
You will live shorter than you think!
But think about your family and/or children’s life!

Thanks to SAMIMY for this experiment. You can find more projects of him in this channel.
Insanlarin akciger kanserine neden yakalandiklarina sasirmamak lazim!!
Dusunun: Yapiskan zift binlerce zehir icerir ve her sigara ictiginizde cigerlerinizde kalir ve cigerleriniz bu zehirleri kaninizdan atmak icin daha cok kaloriye ihtiyac duyar.
Dusundugunuzden daha kisa yasayacaksiniz!
Fakat aileninizi ve/veya cocuklarinizin hayatini dusunun!

Source: Tar in Cigarette – Still want to smoke? – Quit Smoking

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