Caffeine vs Nicotine Addiction | Q&A

Are you a nicotine addict, caffeine addict, or both? – According to the John Hopkins University, 80-90% of North Americans drink caffeine in the form of tea or coffee, every single day, in 2010 and only 19.3% adults smoke cigarette every day. It’s apparent that more people are addicted to caffeine than nicotine. Quitting nicotine is extremely difficult than quitting caffeine but why don’t people admit they are addicted to caffeine if they have to consume it every day?

Caffeine and nicotine are also called stimulants. Although nicotine comes from tobacco plant, caffeine’s main source is tea, cocoa and coffee and is also added to soda, energy drinks and weight-loss products since it speeds up metabolism. Nicotine products also come with cancer warnings on them but caffeine products don’t as few drops of nicotine can cause death whereas caffeine doesn’t. But that doesn’t state that prolonged consumption of caffeine is not fatal and addictive.

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Source: Caffeine vs Nicotine Addiction | Q&A

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