Best Sex Positions to Get Pregnant With a Baby Boy

With our ever increasing knowledge of science and fertility, it is now possible to increase our chances of getting pregnant naturally. One of the ways to increase your chance of getting pregnant is to determine the best sex position that will increase your chance of getting pregnant with a baby boy.

How can the positions during sexual intercourse help determine your child’s gender? To fully understand and to answer this question, I am going to explain the rationale for this.

A human has 46 chromosomes. These chromosomes contains the genetic material or our DNA(deoxyribonucleic acid). When sexual intercourse occurs, the egg cell from the female contains 23 chromosomes or half of a human’s chromosome and the male’s sperm cell contains the remaining 23 chromosomes.

When sexual intercourse occurs, the egg cell and sperm cell fuses into what is known as fertilization. It will now result into a zygote and will be implanted into the females uterus. It now has 46 chromosomes from the fusion(fertilization).

The female’s genes contains XX chromosomes and the egg cell will always be an X-chromosome. Notice that there is only 1 X representing the “split” of the genes. From 46 to 23 chromosomes.

While the Male’s genes always contain an XY chromosome and the sperm cell will always be an X or Y sperm cell. The X sperm cell represents the genes that produces a baby girl. And the Y sperm cell represents the genes that produces a baby boy.

If you wanted to have a baby boy, you would need to have a sperm with a Y chromosome fertilize an egg cell. Now, are you wondering how is it related to sexual positions? Simple.

A male’s sperm with an X chromosome has a bigger head, thus has a slower movement but has a longer life span because of its bigger head which contains more nutrient supplies. A Y sperm chromosome has a smaller appearance thus it can move faster,but it’s life span is also shorter because it has less nutrient supply.

When sexual intercourse occurs, millions of sperm “swam” towards the egg cell and hopes to fertilize it. As soon as one sperm cell fertilizes the egg cell, a mechanism prevents the other sperms from entering and fertilizing the egg cell.

If you want to have a baby boy, you would need to time sexual intercourse on the day of your ovulation and have deep sexual penetration as much as possible.

This will increase the likelihood that the faster male sperm cells would reach your egg cells sooner.

If you want to have a baby girl, you would then need to time 3-5 days sexual intercourse before your day of ovulation and have a missionary sexual position or sitting position.

This will allow the sperm cell with X chromosome reach the female’s egg cell slower. On the 2nd or 3rd day the egg cell might have been fertilized with the X sperm cell resulting into a baby girl.

But what if you are having difficulties getting pregnant because you were diagnosed infertile? or maybe you had endometriosis?Uterine problems, or your spouse has a low sperm cell count? Would you like to know how to get pregnant faster []?

Best Sex Positions to Get Pregnant With a Baby Boy by Daphne Blair

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