Male Infertility: Andrology Australia’s Guide (Andrology Australia’s Guides to Men’s Health)

Health information in this booklet describes MALE INFERTILITY. Diagnosis and treatment options are described to help men and their families understand the health problem, make men aware of the available treatment options, and to help make talking with their doctor easier.

The information contained in this booklet is based on up-to-date medical evidence. It has been provided for educational purposes only. It is not intended to take the place of a clinical diagnosis or medical advice from a fully qualified health professional. Andrology Australia urges readers to seek the services of a qualified health professional for any personal health concerns and questions about information contained in this booklet.

Although the information in this booklet has been carefully reviewed, Andrology Australia does not take any responsibility for any person using the information or advice available in this booklet. Information is given on the understanding that users take responsibility for checking the relevance and accuracy of the information.

The information has been written for men, their families, and health professionals specifically living and working in Australia and is relevant for the Australian health care system. Importantly, for individuals and health professionals in countries other than Australia, the treatments and health care systems described in this booklet may not be relevant, available or approved in other countries.

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Source: Male Infertility: Andrology Australia’s Guide (Andrology Australia’s Guides to Men’s Health)

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