Receding Hairlines and Baldness : How to Stimulate Hair Growth Naturally

Certain substances such as saw palmetto or shampoos fortified with vitamins and minerals may help you to stimulate your hair growth naturally, but your doctor can give your the best advice for your individual case. Learn more about natural hair loss treatments in this free video on receding hairlines and baldness.

Expert: Dr. Parsa Mohebi
Bio: Parsa Mohebi, M.D., works as a hair transplant surgeon while serving as medical director of US Hair Restoration (USHR).

Series Description: If you believe you may have a receding hairline, full-onset pattern baldness or just worry about your genetic predisposition for hair loss, you have a variety of options to slow, prevent or restore lost hair. A hair transplant surgeon shares his professional insights with you in this free video series.

saw palmetto hair loss

Source: Receding Hairlines and Baldness : How to Stimulate Hair Growth Naturally

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