Exercises for Hamstrings to Strengthen Your Hams

First of our exercises for hamstrings are Barbell Lunges: Holding a barbell across your upper back/shoulders and behind your head (not resting on your neck), keeping your torso vertical, move your right leg forward into a long stride. Bend your knees slowly until your left (rear) shin is parallel to the floor and your right knee is at about 45 degree bend. Slowly push up, straightening your legs back into the long stride position again, and repeat. Perform the same repetitions with your left leg forward.

Dumbbell Lunge Exercises for Hamstrings

Standing with a dumbbell in each hand, keeping your torso vertical, move your right leg forward into a long stride. Bend your knees slowly until your left (rear) shin is parallel to the floor and your right knee is at about 45 degree bend. Slowly push up, straightening your legs back into the long stride position again, and repeat. Perform the same exercises for hamstrings with your left leg forward.

Hamstring Muscle Lying Leg Curls

Lying on a leg curl machine face down, slide your ankles under the padded bar so the pads are resting on the back of your ankles. Holding onto the handles down each side of the machine, curl your legs up slowly until your hamstrings are fully contracted. Slowly relax and lower the bar back to start position, and without resting the weight, repeat.

Stiff Leg Barbell Dead Lift Exercises for Hamstrings

For the last exercises for hamstrings, stand with feet shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent and grasp a barbell in an overhand grip with hands shoulder width apart. Lower the weight by bending forward at the waist keeping your head up, back straight, barbell hanging down at arms length close to the front of your body (don’t let the plates touch the floor). Slowly straighten back up, keeping your back straight and head up, and repeat the exercises for hamstrings.

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