Exercises for Calves Muscles to Build Muscular Calves

First of these exercises for calves muscles kicks off with Barbell Seated Calf Raises: Sitting on a flat bench put the balls of your feet on a block of wood about a foot in front of the bench. Holding a barbell resting across your lower thighs, just above your knees, push up as far as possible with your toes squeezing your calves. Lower back down, pushing your heels down as far as possible to stretch your calves, and repeat.

Dumbbell Seated One Leg Calf Raise

Sitting on a flat bench put the balls of your feet on a block of wood about a foot in front of the bench. Holding a dumbbell resting on your lower left thigh, just above your knee, push up as far as possible with your toes squeezing your calf. Lower back down, pushing your heel down as far as possible to stretch your calf, and repeat these exercises for calves. Perform the same repetitions for your right calf.

Leg Press Machine Exercises for Calves

Sit on the machine with your feet pressed against the footholds, knees bent. Holding the handles on either side, extend your legs and push the weight away, keeping your feet flat on the footholds. Don’t lock your knees out. Slowly let your legs relax and be pushed back towards you, bending your knees back to start position. And without resting the weights, repeat.

Calf Raise on a Dumbbell

Stand with your left foot on the handle of a dumbbell with round plates attached. Make sure you’re wearing grippy training shoes and hang onto something to keep your balance. Push up with your left foot to squeeze your calf, rolling the dumbbell back a little. As you come down roll the dumbbell forward a little, pushing your heel down for a full stretch of your calf, and repeat. Perform the same repetitions for your right calf.

Standing Barbell Calf Raise

Standing on the balls of your feet on a block of wood, heels resting on the floor, hold a barbell resting on your shoulders behind your head. Keeping your knees locked, push up to raise your heels as high as possible off the floor, clenching your calves. Lower your heels back down to the floor, and repeat the exercises for calves. Instead of using a barbell you could hold two dumbbells down by your sides.

Calf Press on Leg Press Machine

Sit on the leg press machine with the balls of your feet pressed against the footholds and heels hanging off, knees bent. Holding the handles on either side, push the weight away so that your knees lock. Push the weight slowly away by pointing your toes. Relax your calves, letting the weight slowly push the balls of your feet back until your calves are fully stretched, and repeat.

Rocking Standing Calf Raise Exercises for Calves

Last of our exercises for calves involves standing holding a barbell resting on your shoulders behind your head, push up with your feet so that you’re standing on the balls of your feet. As you lower back down, rock back onto your heels raising your toes up off the floor, and repeat. Go slowly and carefully and make sure you keep your balance. Instead of using a barbell you could hold two dumbbell down by your sides.

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