How To Get Rid Of Bad Breath Naturally.

Get Rid Of Bad Breath Naturally

There are many reasons to cover up bad breath (halitosis), but if you’re tired of quick fixes and want to get rid of halitosis once and for all, take these instructions to heart… or should we say, mouth?

1 Brush your teeth regularly

Two major sources of mouth odor are bacteria and decaying food particles. There are hundreds of nooks and crannies in the fertile landscape of your mouth where these offending bits of “rot” can get lodged.

Squeeze a pea-sized amount of toothpaste onto a soft bristled toothbrush, and hold the brush at a 45 degree angle to the gums. Brush your teeth on every surface in short, gentle strokes, being careful not to press too hard or irritate the gums. If done properly, brushing should take about three minutes.

Brush your teeth and rinse with mouth wash at least twice a day, and floss at least once a day. Take care to brush all the areas of your mouth, including gums and tongue, and not just your teeth.

2 Clean your tongue

It is not enough to simply brush your teeth. Since your tongue has a lot of surface area and is covered with textured bumps and grooves, it harbors more bacteria than the rest of your mouth combined. Removing the bacteria on your tongue can go a long way in reducing your bad breath. You can buy Orabrush or other tongue brushes from stores, or simply use your regular soft bristled toothbrush. Brush your tongue from back to front, rinsing the brush between strokes.

3 Floss every day

Flossing your teeth is just as important to good oral health as brushing, and even more important for reducing bad breath. Make it as much of a mindless habit as brushing your teeth.

At first, your gums might bleed as you dislodge chunks of food that have “stuck” to your teeth and gum for who knows how long. But take a second to smell the floss after you pass it through your teeth, if you dare. You’ll see (or smell) where the bad breath is coming from.

4 Use mouthwash

Mouthwash helps to keep your mouth moist and helps to prevent bad breath. Choose a mouth wash containing chlorine dioxide. Many of the bacteria that cause halitosis live on the back of the tongue, too far back to remove with regular brushing or scraping. Luckily, vigorous swishing with a chlorine dioxide-containing wash can neutralize those bacteria.

Try rinsing with mouth wash before brushing, flossing, and brushing or scraping the tongue, and again when you’re done. This will ensure that you neutralize any bacteria that remain after the process is complete

5 Drink water with lemon or lime

In addition to just be a tasty and healthy alternative to soda, this acidic water solution can have powerful effects on bad breath. Since one of the primary causes of bad breath is simply dry mouth — something normally associated with “morning breath” — the water will help moisten your mouth, subduing much of the odor.

Squeeze as much of the lemon/lime into the water as possible, as it will help cover up the odor. The acidity of the lemons/limes will help combat those bacteria in your mouth that cause bad breath.

6 Chew some sugar-free gum

Sugar-free gum helps to stimulate saliva production. This will help stop your mouth from drying out. A dry mouth often leads to bad breath because bacteria responsible for the foul odor aren’t washed away. Gum can also help remove food particles from the crevasses of your teeth. Sugar-free gum isn’t a substitute for proper oral hygiene. Don’t stop brushing your teeth and flossing.

It is possible to get natural gums made from peppermint and other herbs, which will help mask the smell of bad breath in addition to removing matter from your teeth.

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