3 Acne Causing Foods – Certain Foods Do Cause Acne and Are Dangerous

Do you love food? Do you have acne? If you answered yes to both questions then you will love this article. I am going to discuss 3 acne causing foods because certain foods to cause acne. It is important that you understand what foods you should avoid if you want beautiful skin.

Agave Nectar

Agave nectar is gaining more and more popularity. It is beginning to flood the supermarket shelves and it is flying out the door. But, you must know the truth behind this “natural” sweetener. It is refined sugar and should be avoided at all costs. If you need to add one tablespoon to a recipe that makes a lot of food, then you need not to worry about it too much. But, drizzling it on pancakes, cereal, adding it to your smoothie, etc. should be stopped. It will spike your blood sugar levels just like table sugar. Avoid agave nectar as much as possible.

Conventionally Raised Beef

Is red meat good or bad for you? It depends. Sorry, but it is more true then you want to believe. The hamburger you buy from McDonald’s, the ground beef you buy from your local supermarket, and the hot dog you enjoy on the golf course is down right terrible for your body. It is toxic in hundreds of ways and significantly promotes acne.

But, 100% grass fed beef raised organically is very healthy for you. It contains essential micronutrients that are needed for clear skin. It is an excellent source of clean protein that is needed for cell growth and many other things. It has a good omega 3 to omega 6 fatty acid ratio; another key factor to clear skin. McDonald’s anyone? Thought so.

Fried Food

Food fried in vegetable oils creates toxins that you would never believe. If you want to be free from acne, then you must avoid food cooked in vegetable oils as much as possible.

What is the solution? Cook in low to medium heat with coconut oil. Coconut is one of the top super foods for overall health. For the past couple of weeks I have only cooked with coconut oil. I love it to death. It adds flavor and is completely safe.

You now have knowledge of 3 acne causing foods. But, are you going to take action today and actually begin to decrease the intake of these foods? I do not recommend you try to avoid all 3 completely right away. This may add stress to your life that will only make your acne worse. Instead, take baby steps, and remove them from your diet over time.

You Are Begging for More Information.

3 Acne Causing Foods – Certain Foods Do Cause Acne and Are Dangerous by Todd Dosenberry

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