Benefits Of Vitamin C

The human body does not produce Vitamin C, therefore we must obtain it from our diet, supplements and topical products. L-Ascorbic Acid is the natural form of Vitamin C and is, in fact, the only form that the body can use. Our skin is vulnerable to Vitamin C deficiency because it is utilized first for other bodily functions and very little is actually transported to the skin through the capillaries. A water soluble antioxidant, Vitamin C is also a co-factor for an enzyme crucial in the synthesis of collagen. As an antioxidant agent, Vitamin C scavenges and destroys reactive oxidizing agents and other free radicals. Because of this ability, it provides an important protection against damage induced by UV radiation. L-ascorbic acid can boost collagen synthesis by turning the collagen amino acid, proline, into a chemical messenger that tells fibroblasts to product more collagen. Vitamin C also improves skin elasticity, decreases wrinkles by stimulating collagen synthesis, reduces erythema, promotes wound healing and suppresses cutaneous pigmentation.

So as you can see the benefits are plentiful… Including improved tone, clarity, smoother complexion and the anti-aging benefits of a fresh glow and lessened degree of fine lines and wrinkles.

Source: Benefits Of Vitamin C

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