The Benefits of Vitamin E

The Benefits of Vitamin E

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Healthy cells are lipophilic, so saturated fatty acids would have a greater tendency to enter them than the more water soluble PUFA’s. As cells become more chronically stressed, unsaturated fats are able to enter easier, which slows oxidative metabolism and create free radical damage.

Ray Peat PhD: “The difference in the water/oil solubility affects the strength of binding between a fatty acid and the lipophilic, oil-like parts of proteins. When a protein has a region with a high affinity for lipids that contain double bonds, pufa will displace saturated fats. They can also displace hormones containing multiple bonds such as thyroxine and estrogen, from the proteins that have a high specificity for those hormones.”

Cause deterioration of brain, muscles, and gonads by their destruction of Vitamin E
o PUFA’s pull vitamin E from the blood and into the tissues, lowering vitamin E in the body
o Vitamin E and progesterone are anti-estrogenic. Estrogen pulls O2 away from tissues, organs, etc…while Vitamin E brings O2 to our tissues.
o Vitamin E is anti-inflammatory, anti-estrogenic, anti-lipid peroxidation, energy promoter, progesterone sparing, lowers intra-cellular Ca and a deficiency will allow for an increased conversion of linoleic acid into more unsaturated fats.

Other functions:
-Anti-oxidant -modifies and stabilizes blood fats so that the blood vessels, the heart and the entire body are more protected from free radical induced injury
-Improves circulation & oxygenation, improves mitochondrial respiration, therefore improving energy
-Protects against lipid peroxidation
-Protects against iron and calcification
-Increases the conversion of linoleic acid into saturated fats
-Opposes all actions of estrogen, is progesterone sparing and decreases prostaglandins
-Helps reduce oxidation of lipid membranes
-Anti-clotting effect
-Lowers intracellular calcium
-Spares Vitamin A
-Protects against hyper-calcemia
-Assists in regulating low blood sugar
-Protects the skin for UV exposure from sunlight coming in contact with PUFA’s
-Involved in the saturation of unsaturated fats
-Increases effectiveness of white blood cells

Ray Peat PhD: “Estrogen causes changes in the uterus that prevent implantation of the embryo, and that impair support for its development if it has already been implanted. It decreases the availability of oxygen to the embryo, Vitamin E increases it.”
The Benefits of Vitamin E

Other correlating blogs, youtubes, etc:

Fatigue, Exhaustion and Muscle Weakness

Source: The Benefits of Vitamin E

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