3 Symptoms of stress – Dr. Sheshkumar Kashi

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The 3 symptoms of stress are..
1) Psychological
2) Behavioral
3) Physical
If you are feeling the psychological stress symptoms are you feel angry, shame, Jealous, depressed, guilty about whole event, a lot of mood swings, feeling the whole situation is out of control, thinking suicidal ideas in mind, unable to concentrate on the event, increased daydreaming, poor self image and nightmares etc.,.
If you are extremely passive or aggressive towards the situation or you are consuming more alcohol, you are interested to consume coffee or tea, not sleeping well in the night, interests towards sex are changing, all these are behavioural symptoms.
If your mouth gets dry early, frequent colds, or infections, you may feel palpitations in heart, you may become breathless, you may feel pain in the chest, you may feel tension, you felt body pains, skin allergy. all these are physical symptoms of stress.
For some of these you may consult any doctor.

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Source: 3 Symptoms of stress – Dr. Sheshkumar Kashi

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