Stop Smoking & Feel Great – Binaural Beats Session – By Thomas Hall

This recording contains powerful binaural beat messages. Please only listen to this recording in a safe environment.

Here is a list of all the affirmations/messages in this recording.
You do not need to smoke
I do not need to smoke
Smoking is bad for you
Smoking is bad for me
You feel better when you don’t smoke
I feel better when I don’t smoke
Let yourself relax and enjoy life as a non smoker
I relax and enjoy life as a non smoker
Don’t smoke
You are motivated to stop smoking
I am motivated to stop smoking
You must stop smoking
I must stop smoking
Smoking will cause cancer
Smoking will kill you
Smoking will kill me
You have the power and motivation to resist cigarette cravings
I have the power and motivation to resist cigarette cravings
You will resist cigarette cravings
I will resist cigarette cravings
Do not smoke
Cigarettes are extremely unhealthy
You will be happier without smoking
I will be happier without smoking
You are happier without smoking
You must stop smoking
I must stop smoking
You can deal with stress easily
I can deal with stress easily
You can deal with stress easily because you are a calm and confident person
I can deal with stress easily because I am a calm and confident person
You have the motivation to stop smoking
I have the motivation to stop smoking
Take control of your life
You are a very intelligent person that can achieve anything
I am a very intelligent person that can achieve anything
You are motivated to quit smoking
I am motivated to quit smoking
You are able to relax easily
I am able to relax easily
You are a non smoker
I am a non smoker
You have very strong willpower
I have very strong willpower
You are a strong person
I am a strong person
Be aware of how powerful your mind is
You have excellent motivation
I have excellent motivation
You will succeed
I will succeed
You have very strong willpower
I have very strong willpower
Your willpower allows you to do anything
My willpower allows me to do anything
You can achieve anything you set your mind to
I can achieve anything I set my mind to
You are a powerful person
I am a powerful person
You are full of positive energy
I am full of positive energy
You can do anything you set your mind to
I can do anything I set my mind to
(((((All of the above are repeated throughout the recording)))))

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Background Music: Music from The Self Development Network, in accordance with Copyright Law.

Royalty free Images from both:

Everything else by Thomas Hall – (C) Copyright 2015

Source: Stop Smoking & Feel Great – Binaural Beats Session – By Thomas Hall

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