Quit Smoking: Stop smoking in 2 Weeks (Smoking, Cigarette Smoking, Smoking Cessation, Stop Smoking, Smoking Addiction Book 1)

Quit Smoking in 2 weeks
It does not stop with helping you decide to quit. It walks with you and reinforces your commitment to having a healthy lifestyle. It makes sure that you would not want to smoke after you have made that decision to quit. It is loaded with tips on how you can have a healthy mindset and become emotionally and physically prepared to quit.

Day 1: Understand What Exactly You are Trying to Quit
Day 2: Think About Why You Should Hate Nicotine When You Work Hard For Your Money
Day 3: Understand Why It is Hard to Quit Smoking
Day 4: Understand Withdrawal and How You Can Quit
Day 5: Know Why You Should Quit
Day 6: Plan The First Things You Need To Do To Quit
Day 7: Anticipate the Quit Day By Reducing Nicotine
Day 8: Identify the Activities that Make You Smoke
Day 9: Deal with Oral and Hand Fixations
Day 10: Involve Your Friends and Family
Day 11: Make Your Place Less Appealing for Smoking
Day 12: Celebrate Your Quit Day
Day 13: Being Free

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Source: Quit Smoking: Stop smoking in 2 Weeks (Smoking, Cigarette Smoking, Smoking Cessation, Stop Smoking, Smoking Addiction Book 1)

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