Chewing Tobacco Dangers and the Hazards of Smokeless Tobacco

Chewing tobacco dangers of smokeless tobacco hazards involve many of the same chemicals and poisons as in smoking cigarettes. People who chew tobacco for many years are 50 times more likely to get oral cancer, gum disease and lose their teeth than people who do not chew. The risk of other cancers, heart disease, and ulcerative colitis is 50-70% higher among chewers.

The magnitude of nicotine exposure is similar between using smokeless tobacco and cigarette smoking. Therefore, nicotine addiction and dependence are also very real chewing tobacco dangers of smokeless tobacco hazards. Nicotine addiction leads to increased heart rate and blood pressure. Nicotine constricts the blood vessels and limits oxygen supply throughout the body.

Chewing tobacco leaves irritating juices in contact with gums, cheeks and lips for prolonged periods of time. This can lead to a condition called leukoplakia which appears as a smooth, white patch or as leathery-looking wrinkled skin.

Oral leukoplakic lesions have been noted upon continued smokeless tobacco use, to undergo transformation to a dysplastic state. The smokeless tobacco dangers of chewing tobacco hazards is that these dysplastic lesions can further develop into carcinomas. Leukoplakia leads to cancer in 3 to 5 percent of cases.

Chewing Tobacco Dangers of Smokeless Tobacco Hazards

All forms of smokeless tobacco contain high concentrations of toxic agents; over 2,000 chemicals, many of which have been directly related to causing cancer.

Being real chewing tobacco dangers of smokeless tobacco hazards, these carcinogens increase the risk of cancer cancer of the oral cavity, cancer of the pharynx, larynx and esophagus. The association between smokeless tobacco use and cancer is strongest for cancers of the oral cavity.

The potent carcinogens found in snuff and chewing tobacco include nitrosamines, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and radiation-emitting polonium.

The tobacco-specific nitrosamines N-nitrosonornicotine and 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl -l-butanone) have been detected in smokeless tobacco at levels 100 times higher than the regulated levels of other nitrosamines commonly found in some foods.

Chewing Tobacco Danger Signs

If you use smokeless tobacco, or have in the past, be aware of these early smokeless tobacco danger signs of oral cancer:

  • Oral sore that won’t heal.
  • Oral lump or white patch.
  • Prolonged sore throat.
  • Difficulty in chewing.
  • Restricted movement of the tongue or jaws.
  • A feeling of something in the throat.
  • Pain is rarely an early symptom. For this reason, all smokeless tobacco users should have regular dental check-ups.

More Dangers of Chewing Tobacco Hazards

  • Grit and sand in smokeless tobacco products scratches teeth and erodes the enamel causing added sensitivity and may require corrective treatment.
  • The sugar added to smokeless tobacco reacts with oral bacteria causing an acidic solution which leads to tooth decay.
  • Stained teeth and bad breath are common among long-term smokeless tobacco users.
  • Chewing tobacco reduces the senses of taste and smell. Smokeless tobacco users tend to eat more unhealthy salty and sweet foods.
  • Chewing tobacco consistently in the same spot can cause permanent gum damage and damage to the supporting bone structure. This chewing tobacco dangers of smokeless tobacco hazard can eventually lead to loosened and lost teeth.
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