9 Key Tips to Quit Smoking Marijuana

http://HowIQuitSmokingPot.com If you are thinking that you may be smoking too much marijuana and/or it is having a negative affect on your life, you might be considering the decision to quit using pot. There are many different reasons that people decide to quit smoking marijuana and everyone’s circumstances are different.

In addition to varied reasons to quit using cannabis, there are also many different techniques used to stop using pot. The following tips have all played a key role in helping me to stop smoking marijuana.

1) Make a decision and stick with it. Once you have made the decision to stop smoking marijuana, stick with it. You might ‘relapse’ or ‘fall off the wagon’ once or more times, but get right back up and make sure you remember that you made the decision for a good reason – or maybe even several good reasons.

2) Get plenty of sleep. To make any good decision and to be able to stick with it, it is important to get lots of good sleep. This can be especially difficult during the first 2-3 weeks of abstaining from marijuana – often depending on how often and the quantity of pot you’ve been consuming. I personally had great bouts of insomnia during the first few weeks of being off pot, but knowing how important that sleep is, I made sure to get sleep whenever and wherever I could.

3. Exercise daily. Daily exercise, especially hard exercise helps get your blood flowing, gets oxygen to your brain and also helps make your body tired, making it easier to sleep and overcome any insomnia you might have. It’s also been shown that exercise releases dopamine into critical areas of the brain, which actually makes you happy and feeling better about yourself. Here’s the standard disclaimer: Consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program – exercise is great for almost everyone, but each of us is different and has different abilities.

4. Eat healthy. Let’s face it – many ‘stoners’ do not consume the healthiest of diets. Many of us have a very difficult time resisting sugary and fatty ‘treats’ when we have a case of the munchies. If you are not feeding your body (and your brain) well, it is extremely difficult to make (and stick with) good decisions. I fully recommend ridding your food intake of as much sugar and salts as possible, as they are really poison to the body. Eat good sources of lean proteins, ‘slow carbs’ and lots and lots of fruits and vegetables – especially leafy green veggies like spinach, kale and chard. Avoid sodas or soft drinks (especially ‘diet’ drinks) at all costs – compensate by drinking lots of quality water. Personally I drink over a gallon of water each and every day – most of it filtered through a Brita filter.

5. Avoid alcohol. Some people are able to ‘handle’ alcohol better than others, but when you are quitting pot, you don’t need to be doing anything that negatively affects your ability to make smart decisions. Truthfully, until not too long ago, I didn’t realize that it was possible to have A LOT of fun without drinking (or that not everybody drinks to have a good time). Besides frequently causing bad decisions to be made, alcohol contains a lot of sugar – which is not only bad for your brain, but your body as well.

6. Read. One of the most immediate benefits that I found about quitting pot is that I was quickly able to regain the patience and focus I need to read. There is so much good about reading – especially if you like to learn things. Read books, magazines, websites e-books, etc. You can read about different ways people have been able to quit smoking pot, you can read about whatever industry you might work in, or you can even read fiction strictly for pleasure.

7. Write. It has really helped me to document my journey. While not everyone feels comfortable to write a public blog, anyone can write in a journal or even a private blog. I feel like it actually helped me to be accountable to myself and my readers to continually update my situation and document what I’ve been going through during my journey of starting my new life without pot.

8. Make videos. Making videos is another way that I have been able to create some sense of accountability for my actions. My first ever YouTube video about my humbling decision to quit smoking pot has not exactly gone viral, but does have well over 50,000 views and a ton of great comments (as well as some not so great comments). I had no idea it would get so much attention, but I have received a lot of excellent support through these videos and also been able to help show others that they can indeed quit smoking marijuana. After all, if I can do it – anyone can.

9. Help others. My description was too long and I had to remove the rest of the article – please watch the video and subscribe.

Source: 9 Key Tips to Quit Smoking Marijuana

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