demo signature facial AHA Peeling Treatment

While they are two of our most popular products, our AHA Fruit Peel and Hungarian Paprika Gel Treatment do require special explanation and client preparation.
AHA Fruit Peel: made from made from Apple, Grape, Medlar (Naseberry), Lemon Balm Oil,
Lactic Acid, Fruit Acids, Malic Acid, Pectins, Kaempferol Bioflavonoids, Polyphenols, Tannins,
Sorbite, Biosugars, Vitamins B, C and H, Mineral Salts, Trace Elements, these ingredients are
chosen for there high content of natural fruit acids.
Hungarian Paprika Gel Treatment: made from a blend of St. John’s Wort, Sage, Walnut Leaf,
Horsetail, Marsh Mallow, Hungarian Cherry Pepper, Lavender Oil, Honey, Bioflavonoids,
Carotenoids, Capsaicin, Sorbite, Trace Elements, Vitamin B2 and C to regenerate, rejuvenate
and sooth any inflammation.
The combination of these products is very stimulating, therefore the blood circulation increases
and the body heat elevates immediately after application, raising the cellular metabolism to
provide an oxygenating absorption. Client should always be notified about the stimulating effect
of the herbs that causes a tingling, hot, burning sensation for short time (most active period is
cca 10-15 min).
The two products are to be used via a layering process by applying the Hungarian Paprika Gel
Treatment over the AHA Fruit Peel that will result in an immediate beautifying process. Due to
the oxygenating effect, and the elevated body heat and blood circulation, a high level of
detoxification occurs, the absorption increases and the active beautifying process becomes
visible. This deep penetration glycolic peel results in a velvety, smooth and rejuvenated skin
with a glowing and even complexion.
After the deep peeling, when the surface is evenly exfoliated and detoxified the skin is ready to
better absorb following problem oriented treatments, the effect of the special ilike masks will be
even more visible and the skin healthier looking for days.
The peeling mask needs to be left on until the skin calms and does not show intense redness
any longer (40-45 minutes) or if used with a dry gauze sheet, the effecting period can be
shortened to 20-25 minutes. It is recommended that multiple treatments be done in a series of
For severe skin conditions (inflamed acne, very dry skin, deep wrinkles, hyperpigmentation,
active rosacea etc): 3 times in the 1st week, 2 times in the 2nd week, once in the 3rd, 4th, 5th
and 6th weeks.
For less problem skin: 2 times in the 1st week, once in the 2nd and 3rd week, once on the 5th and
7th week. A monthly maintenance is recommended for problematic (or dry) skin, while a
seasonal peel is recommended for regular maintenance of the less problematic skin.
Treatments should be scheduled so that at least 2 days separate. It is recommended that this
treatment series be given during the changing of seasons in spring, fall and winter. Maintenance
treatments are recommended for the summer.
Proper sun protection on treated skin is required after and between treatments!

Source: demo signature facial AHA Peeling Treatment

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