7 Sinusitis Herbal Solutions to Your Sinus Problems

Sinus problems can take the joy out of your life. But you can bring back that joy of living by utilizing these sinusitis herbal remedies. In this sinusitis herbal repertoire, one key herb supports the immune system and others help relieve sinusitis symptoms.

Immune Support

Echinacea grows as a purple coneflower and stands at the top of the list of immune enhancing herbs. Besides stimulating the immune system, it heals wounds, soothes inflammation, and fights bacteria and viruses. Because of the antibacterial effects, it should be taken regularly for three weeks to calm an infection, but then stop. After 3 weeks it may lose its therapeutic effect.

Or you may be able to stop taking the Echinacea sooner if you take Echinacea daily for 3-4 more days after the infection clears.

Echinacea may have these two unwanted effects, but they occur very rarely:
People with ragweed allergy may also be allergic to Echinacea
Because it's an immune stimulant, causing over activity of the immune system, it may increase allergy symptoms.

Here's the second powerful herb to knock out those sinusitis miseries:

Ginseng fights sinusitis and supports the adrenal glands. If allergies compound the sinus problems, the adrenal glands become even more overloaded and eventually can not keep up with the demands on them. As the adrenal decline progresses, the sinus problems become worse. But with the help of ginseng, the adrenals can recuperate and help conquer the chronic sinusitis problems.

And guess what? Ginseng has great "side-effects" including increasing stamina and energy and may help clear brain fog. These "side effects" certainly add a great bonus to your herbal regimen.

But one precaution: If you have high blood pressure, consult your doctor before taking ginseng.

Loosen up mucous congestion with these sinusitis herbal remedies:

Put one-quarter cup of lemon thyme in four cups of water.
Bring this solution to a boil.
Carefully inhale the steam to loosen up the congestion.
(Do not burn yourself)


Mullein and balm of Gilead
Add two tablespoons of mullein and one tablespoon of balm of Gilead to boiling water.
Carefully inhale the steam.

Or just before you go to bed, drink some mullein tea. Besides mobilizing the mucous it also calms inflammation which soothes irritated nerves helping to relieve pain and induce sleep

Fenugreek aids the sinuses in two ways.

Benefit # 1: it helps destroy infection.

Benefit # 2: it facilitates mucous drainage by softening the tenacious mucous.

Make some fenugreek tea:
Simmer two tablespoons of crushed fenugreek seeds in two cups of water. Allow this solution to sit for about half an hour, and then strain it. Now take one tablespoon of the juice of an onion and one tablespoon of lemon juice and add them to this concoction. Drink several cups throughout the day. Give those germs a double whammy with the fenugreek and onion juice.

Fight accompanying allergy symptoms

Stinging Nettles helps relieve symptoms by acting as an anti-histamine and may be especially helpful as a sinusitis herbal remedy when allergies cause the sinus problems.

If you want to multiply the great effects of Stinging Nettles, take it along with quercitin.

Technically quercitin is a bioflavonoid found in fruit and vegetables. It works in conjunction with vitamin C to block histamine and soothe other inflammatory reactions associated with allergies.

Keep taking this combination of stinging nettles and quercitin for at least two weeks because it may take that long for the inflammatory process to subside before you notice any relief of symptoms.

So there you have it, the classical sinusitis herbal remedies that support the immune system and the adrenals, fight infection, loosen mucous, relieve congestion and fight allergy symptoms in sinusitis problems. Give them a try today.

7 Sinusitis Herbal Solutions to Your Sinus Problems by Bessie Jo Tillman

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