Varicocele Repair Procedure – Manipal Hospital

This informative video explains in detail about Varicocelectomy which is classified under testicular diseases. Varicocele is a group of swollen blood vessels called veins in a man’s scrotum. A varicocele may begin to form when the valves inside the testicular vein are damaged or don’t work properly, the valves may not close completely allowing blood to flow backward inside the vein to the testicle. In addition, since left testicular vein is straight and longer than the right testicular vein, there is greater downward pressure inside the left vein. Another problem may occur where your left testicular vein connects to a larger vein coming from your kidney called the left renal vein, when an artery to the intestines squeeze the left renal vein, causing blood to back up in the left testicular vein, this is called nut-cracker syndrome. A common symptom of the condition is blood in the urine.
As a result, a varicocele can form in the left phamiphinform plexus, when blood begins to back up in it the blood pooling the veins causes them to become swollen. Depending on the severity of the varicocele, the pooled blood may reduce the temperature around the testicle. This higher temperature can make it harder for the testicle to produce sperm; this condition may decrease male fertility. Watch the video to know more on Varicocelectomy.

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Source: Varicocele Repair Procedure – Manipal Hospital

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