Penis – Top 2 Exercises to a Bigger Penis

Thousands of men are using penis exercises, as using these exercises can give a man the penis size he has always wanted. This is because having a bigger penis can make you feel more masculine and gives you a reason to be proud of your manhood. So if you want to finally feel proud as well, just keep in mind that regular exercise is a must until you are satisfied with the size of your penis.

An exercise that can lengthen your penis and strengthen the ligaments that is attached to the penis pubic bone is always the best because it gives you the much desired results.

PC Flex is one exercise that is best performed if you were semi-erect since a semi-erect penis is more pliable and easy to work with. To start out you will need to encircle your penis with your thumb and first finger behind the head and pull at a downward angle for a count of 30.

While pulling the penis performed the PC quick flex exercise. After a count of 30 grab your penis at the base and shake quickly 20-30 times in order to relax the penis. You should repeat this exercise pulling to the right, left, and then straight out. If you are a beginner you should put a light amount of pulling pressure, you can increase pressure as you advance into the fifth week.

The advanced variation is the ligament massage. While you have your penis out straight, you should use the thumb of your free hand to press down and out on all the ligaments at the very base of your penis. Applying to much pressure could cause an injury if you are not careful. What this ligament massage does is to stretch the ligaments that suspend the penis from the pubic bone. Within a few weeks you should be able to do this exercise in the shower as the hot water will help achieve maximum stretching.

The next exercise is the Wally Wally Ups, to start this exercise you are going to want to sit at the edge of a chair or toilet seat, with a fully erect penis and a towel. After you are in the correct position you should place the towel (preferably small) over the penis and contract your muscles so that it stands up completely against the towels resistance. Now, hold the position for 10 seconds and release, this exercise should be done in 3-5 sets for best results.

Penis – Top 2 Exercises to a Bigger Penis by Roy Robertson

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