Low Semen Volume Explained

The man’s role in fertility is basically a numbers game. In other words, the more semen a man produces and ejaculates, the better chances he has that one of those sperm cells will hit their target, which is the egg, resulting in conception of a child.

The normal range of semen produced is between 40 million and 300 million sperm cells per ML (milliliters) of liquid ejaculate. (1.5 to 5 milliliters is a normal amount.) Sperm cell counts less than 10 million per ML of ejaculate fluid is considered to be poor. Counts of at least 20 million may be acceptable, if motility (how fast they swim) and morphology (how the cells change with age) are within normal ranges.

The good news for men is that because the normal man’s reproductive system is producing sperm cells on a continual basis, low sperm counts are oftentimes a temporary situation. If a man has been ill (especially with fever), has extremely high levels of stress, and/or poor nutrition, the sperm count can be adversely effected. In a lot of these cases, a low sperm count is possible to reverse.

Sperm count is not the single, most important factor concerning male fertility, but it is an important measurement that potentially affects the decision to use advanced treatments to aid in conception.

A low semen volume can be caused by a number of factors. As men get older, they naturally begin to produce less semen. When we are young, we are looking to start families, so our bodies operate on a biological clock and produce an abundance of sperm cells. You can expect a slight decrease in volume in this regard.

There are, however, several medical reasons for a low count. As the male anatomy produces sperm cells, the seminal vesicles produce the fluid that will be used to transmit the semen through the ejaculatory channel. If these vesicles become blocked, the fluid is not available for the sperm cells to travel in, so they stay put. Note here that you are still producing semen, but it doesn’t “have a ride” to its new home.

In addition to this, there may be an obstruction in those vesicles that can cause a like effect. These conditions can result in a low sperm cell count, called oligospermia, or possibly a zero count, called azoospermia. There are treatments for both conditions with a great success rate.

Having a low or zero sperm cell count does not mean you should give up hope of being a dad. It may be harder for you, but it is still possible.

It is possible that you have just had a lot on your plate and your body reacts in this manner. For the man in this situation, there are herbal supplements available. The moist popular ones are called Semenax and Volume Pills.

These are both medically endorsed, safe supplements to a healthy lifestyle. These pills work on opening the seminal vesicles and blood vessels to the penis, resulting in a variety of benefits including, primarily, increased semen volume at ejaculation.

It can’t hurt because it’s natural and doctors recommend it openly. It might even save you a lot of money on doctor visits and make your partner a little happier to boot.

Low Semen Volume Explained by Paul M Miller

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