Human Sperm Facts on Human Sperm Life Span of Male Sperm

The consensus on human sperm facts about the human sperm life span of male sperm appears to be between one and three hours outside the human body in the open air, depending on moisture, temperature and how much sperm is present.

How long is the lifespan of sperm inside the female body is another matter. Sperm lifespan inside a female body can range from between five and seven days.

An interesting human sperm fact is that the sperm is the smallest cell in the body, whilst the female egg is the largest. It would take 175,000 sperm to weigh as much as a female egg.

The human sperm life span of male sperm outside the body is reduced as the semen dries out. They are also killed by fresh water due to osmotic shock. Deterents and soap also kill them by stripping off the sperm cell membrane.

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Human Sperm Facts on How Sperm is Made

You may pretty much have an idea where babies come from. (No, they’re not from the stork!) To put it bluntly, you need a human sperm cells and egg cell to make a baby. During sexual intercourse, a man’s sperm, which is produced by the testes (testicles), is released into a woman’s cervix, which “swims” to the fallopian tube. From the millions of sperm cells, one penetrates the egg in a process called fertilization. From there, a single life begins.

But what is sperm, how is sperm made and where does the sperm come from? Here are the human sperm facts: There are millions of sperm produced by your testes (testicles) everyday. Sperm cells undergo the natural cell division which inevitably leads to its maturation.

Each sperm spends 64 days growing into sperm, after which they move into the epidiymis (a 20 foot long series of thin coiled tubes) for another 12 days, where they gather and mature.

More human sperm facts: Half of your sperm carries a Y chromosome (inherited from your dad) and the other half carries an X chromosome (inherited from your mom). If a Y-carrying sperm fertilizes the woman’s egg, the result is a baby girl. If on the other hand, it’s the X-carrying sperm which fertilized the egg, then it’s a baby boy.

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