EASY! 2 Penis Enlargement Tricks Every Man Should Try (Fun and Fast)

Who else is unhappy with their penis size? Would you like to be bigger…and BETTER in bed, but simply don’t know where to start? And what about all of the products, promises and HYPE we all read online? Do they work…or are they silly strategies that we should avoid at all costs?

Any of these questions sound familiar? If you are like I once was they do…and learning to separate the fact, from the FICTION can be a full time job if you let it.

The BAD news about penis enlargement strategies?

Most of them don’t work…and aren’t worth the time, energy, effort or INCOME you’ll spend on them. I’ve unfortunately learned this from first hand experience myself and if possible, I’d like to spare you the same effort and expense.

The GOOD news?

There ARE legitimate “tricks” that DO improve penis size, and while they aren’t always FREE, they are much more inexpensive, and affordable than many of the other options.

Trick #1: Penis Extension

The BEST home based enlargement strategy? Without any question….penis extension, or using a stretching device, is the very BEST way to permanently lengthen (and widen) your penis there is. Stretching, or extension has been validated scientifically and there are a growing number (no pun intended..:-) of 3rd party studies that verify it’s benefits. The downside? A good extension device CAN be expensive…and you SHOULD expect to pay anywhere from 350-500 for a quality one. (still a FRACTION of the expense that surgical implantation runs though. The only technique that is comparable in gains)

Trick #2: Penis Exercises

These are VERY effective, can be learned from home, and include methods like jelqing, elevation exercises, tension, torque and traction techniques and more common routines like kegel. The truth? You CAN get great gains using exercise..and while it doesn’t work as fast as extension does, it’s a great “poor man’s” approach to getting super size with minimum expense. The other benefit to PE exercises are that they are SAFE…and generally work in under 60 days for the vast majority of men who try them. (good news indeed!)

EASY! 2 Penis Enlargement Tricks Every Man Should Try (Fun and Fast) by Amos Amsterdam

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