Male Infertility: Frequency, Causes and Treatment

Male infertility is actually a bigger issue than many people would like to think.

Early testing of the man is equally as
important as for the woman, and can save the woman unnecessary
discomfort and expense.

Visiting your doctor or urologist is important.

Humans are complicated animals and there are many
reasons why a man may be infertile.

Physical problems can often be repaired with surgery.

Other, less common problems include genetic diseases, hormonal problems, and varicose veins around the testicles.

In addition, lifestyle choices can affect fertility.

There are many solutions to male infertility.

Low sperm counts can sometimes be increased with a healthy lifestyle and avoidance of harmful activities.

There are many different solutions to male infertility.

Talk with your doctor for what is right for you.

ARC Fertility Solutions are here to help.

Source: Male Infertility: Frequency, Causes and Treatment

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