Can male infertility be hereditary – Dr. Vasan S S

Yes, male infertility can be hereditary and we do believe that who are the people who are at risk of a hereditary transmission of male fertility problems, those men who have zero sperm, those men to have sperm count less 2 million. These are men who transmit this defect to the next generation. One way to look at it why does this defect happen? because these are abnormalities in minor chromosomes in the body, they are not major but do cause defects called Y chromosome microdeletion or we could have some numerical abnormalities in the chromosome which sometimes effects complete sperm production when makes the production zero or it can affect our early and make the sperm production extremely abnormal, they do have to have treatment in the form of we can use the sperm to create a baby. But why is it important it is important because we are transmitting though we use the sperm to create a baby we are transmitting the same defects to the male offspring of the next generation. So he will have the same challenge to have a baby. The biological need for any couple is to have their own baby, it’s a difficult decision and they will require lot of psychological and genetic counselling at that time.

Source: Can male infertility be hereditary – Dr. Vasan S S

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