Erectile Dysfunction and Small Penis Syndrome

Can erectile dysfunction be brought about by anxiety and stress with penis size?

Erectile Dysfunction is the state when a man cannot achieve and maintain an erection for long enough to finish the sexual process to completion. This means he loses his erection before he achieves orgasm. Most men, at one time or another in their lives, have experienced this problem. In some cases it can be an anatomical problem, brought on by disease or drugs, or it can also be brought on by fear and anxiety.

When a man is afraid his penis is not adequate in size, this can lead to what is called, “Small Penis Syndrome.” This is a situation where a man becomes obsessed that his penis is too small. It creates fear and anxiety in the dating and sexual aspects of his life. Many times this “Syndrome” will manifest as erectile dysfunction.

If a man feels that he is undersized, and it rests heavily on his mind, this anxiety, stress, and fear can really reveal its ugly head in the bedroom with his partner. If a man fears that his penis is inadequate and is about to make love to a woman, his fear of being too small can serve as a source for erectile dysfunction. It is not uncommon for these men to experience this feeling of distraughtness when masturbating, too. This is because even though they are trying to fantasize a sexual experience while masturbating, their minds take over and, like a red-warning light, keeps flashing at them, “You Are Too Small!” Once a man gets into this sort of fear and anxiety, it takes over the mechanical properties of his penis and he can have difficulty maintaining and sometimes even achieving an erection.

A lot of the erective process and the sexual act takes place in the mind. This is why you can achieve an erection (and even an orgasm) without having any physical stimuli to the penis. Since the mind is so active in the sexual act, it is important to focus on these mental aspects during sex. This is hard to do if one part of your mind is trying to enjoy sex and another part of your mind is telling you that you are inadequate.

The great news is that you are not alone. About 50% of men believe that they are unhappy with their natural penis size. The other 50% are comfortable with their size. 5.5 inches is about the average size in men. Some men may be a little bigger and some men may be a little smaller. The fact is that just about any size penis can please a woman if the man knows how to use it.

Men who are fearful of having a small penis need to realize that they are normal and fully capable of pleasing their partners. They just have to SEE themselves as being normal. It’s similar to Anorexia Nervosa in women. This is when a woman starves herself because she believes she is too overweight. When she looks in the mirror, she sees a distorted image of herself, instead of seeing what she really looks like. Men who have Small Penis Syndrome tend to distort what they see, too; as they see their penises as being smaller than they actually are.

There are methods of working with this syndrome. Counseling is available and may prove to be very helpful. Finding a partner who is more concerned with her man’s character instead of his size is a great place to start, too. And, of course, there are methods of actually enlarging the penis to help a man increase his size. These options can also help a man with erectile dysfunction if they are due to anxiety and fear.

There are many options available to the man who wishes to enlarge his penis. We have studied the subject for years and have to come the conclusion that specialized natural penis exercises are the most effective and safest method of enlargement. These exercises consist of stretches and squeezes (at their most basic level) which encourage the tissues of the penis to get bigger on erection.

No matter what course of action you take if you feel anxiety with your size, the main thing is to not worry about it. Realize that you are probably more normal than you think, and that if you do wish to increase your size, there are many options available.

To learn methods of helping with Erectile Dysfunction, Accentuating the Penis, and Enhancing Your Sexual Potential, read IRON MAN PENIS – THE RUSSIAN SYSTEM.

Sincerely, Georg von Neumann

Erectile Dysfunction and Small Penis Syndrome by Georg Von Neumann

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