An Erectile Dysfunction Home Remedy That Really Works!

Most of us do not have a problem seeing our doctor for general health issues. When it comes to more intimate problems such as erectile dysfunction, however, it is much harder. That is why many men look for a home remedy to treat erectile dysfunction before they turn to a doctor.

While modern medicine would like you to believe that only it holds the answer to your problems, this is not always true. There are a variety of home remedies that have been used for centuries to treat problems. These often come with fewer side effects that their prescription counterparts as well.

In recent years, it has been shown that an herb with the comical, yet fitting name of horny goat weed can be an effective treatment for erectile dysfunction. This is no surprise to Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners though. They have been prescribing the herb ever since it was discovered by an astute goat herder who noted the plant’s effects on his herd.

Horny goat weed contains a compound called icariin. This substance targets an enzyme in the body that blocks erections. The popular erectile dysfunction medication Viagra works the same way. However, scientists have found that the herb targets the enzyme more selectively and offers potentially less side effects than the prescription medication.

Erectile Dysfunction Home Remedy!

Research has shown that horny goat weed also works to aid in blood vessel dilation. This allows increased blood flow to the genitals, which results in users being able to get and maintain erections. According to one researcher, the herb could be a natural Viagra.

The herb has additionally been shown to increase nitric oxide levels. This naturally occurring gas relaxes the muscles of the penis, allowing them to fill more completely with blood.

Finally, limited research has indicated that horny goat weed may potentially improve testosterone production. As most of us know, testosterone is the hormone that plays a major role in the male reproductive system, especially in the function of the sexual organs.

An Erectile Dysfunction Home Remedy That Really Works! by D. Mark Wilson

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