What to Stock and Eat for HEALTH

Stop being afraid and TAKE CHARGE of your health. This is what you should have in your kitchen at ALL times, not just when fear and panic overtakes the masses. You don’t need the be afraid of disease if your body is in prime working order. It’s usually the unhealthy and sick that lose the battle. A strong immune system can handle just about anything if given a fighting chance. Here are the things to ALWAYS have on hand no matter what.
Edible Plant Guide- great for learning what plants in your area are edible and what health conditions they are good for- www.EdiblePlantGuide.com
Enema bag- www.CaraEnema.com
Spring water in glass bottles: https://www.mountainvalleyspring.com
Sushi made with Aloe Vera recipe- www.RawVeganSushi.com
Spicy Thai Cabbage Recipe- www.SpicyThaicabbage.com
Liver Formula- www.MarkusLiverFormula.com
Kidney Formula- www.KidneyFormula.com
Herbal Vitamin C- www.MarkusVitaminC.com
Sea Moss- www.MarkusSeaMoss.com
Green Formula- www.GreenFormula.com
Plant-based Protein Formula- www.MarkusProtein.com
Healthy Plant-based UnCookbook- www.HealthyCookbook.com
All products- www.MarkusProducts.com
Our main website- www.TheHealthyLife.com

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