How to Unclog Your Ears with 2 EASY Ear Reflexology Points for Instant Ear Drainage

Learn how to pup and unclog your ears with these INSTANT reflexology points that will help your ears drain, unplug, unclog and pop for immediate relief. Reflexology for ear drainage is powerful in that it can serve to motivate the lymphatics of your ear and clear congestion and fluid retention behind your ear drum.

Ear Reflexology Points work great to help unclog a clogged, fluid filled ear and will aid in alleviating fluid that is pooling in the eustacian tube.

These two reflexology points on your ear will help unblock a clogged, plugged ear tube.

If you suffer from blocked, clogged and plugged ears – take your index finger and gently push and pull down at the reflexology points. Repeat this 15-20 times.

If you experience chronically clogged, plugged and blocked ears with limited ear drainage – repeat these ear reflexology points to aid in fluid draining in your ear.

BUY My Ear Fluid Draining Protocol for $4.95:

If you want to watch some of my Plugged Clogged Ear videos — here they are….


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If you’re feeling frustrated with your current health situation or seeking ways to look and feel better than you do now… I hope you will subscribe and my community!



Melissa @ Natural Health Resources.Com

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*HSA is an accepted payment method as is private pay. (insurance does not cover the preventative type of care that a Naturopath performs)

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