[DANGER] Avoid THIS Harmful Toxic Food Additive ASAP! It Causes Heart Attacks & MORE!

Buyer Beware! Watch to find out the WORST super common food additive is and how it is link to causing heart attacks, arteriosclerosis, depression and an assortment of gut and digestive imbalances.

The TRUTH about Soy Lecithin and Your Health

Soy Lecithin is linked to imbalanced gut health artherosclerosis, heart attacks and even depression. ALL are harmful to your health and longevity.

Studies have produced evidence that indicates lecithin is converted by gut bacteria into trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO), which is absorbed by the gut and may with time contribute to atherosclerosis and heart attacks

The Research:
Wendy R Russell WR et al. (2013) Colonic bacterial metabolites and human health (Review). Current Opinion in Microbiology 16(3):246–254


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