Can You Really Grow Your Own Hair Back When You’re Going Bald?

If your hair is thinning or if you are going bald, it probably seems like there is nothing you can do to have your real hair again on your head. Most likely it seems like your only solution is to wear a wig, put on a hat, or just walk around your shiny scalp glistening in the sunlight.

The good thing is that there may be another solution available to you that you did not even know existed previously. There are actually products out there that are approved by the Food and Drug Administration that will help you grow your own hair back. Even after you start losing your hair, you really can start to cause growth to happen again.

How These Products Really Work

Products that help you re-grow your own hair have chemical ingredients with properties that cause your hair to grow as it normally used to. These chemical ingredients actually dilute your blood vessels. They also have anti-androgen properties that prevent androgens, which are usually steroid hormones, from effecting tissues that normally respond to them. Besides helping your hair to re-grow, anti-androgens also are used to fight prostate cancer in men.

Besides using this chemical solution to help your hair to grow like it used to, some of these products also contain solutions to help nourish and strengthen your hair. The vitamins, minerals, and herbs help to strengthen your hair so it also becomes thicker. Some of the vitamins, herbs, and minerals that help with this are Vitamin B6, Biotin, Zinc, Saw Palmetto, Nettle Root, Pumpkin Seed, and Ginseng.

Who Do These Products Work For?

Products like these should work for people with normal hair loss that occurs with aging and genetics. They usually do not work with hair loss that occurs because of certain medications, cancer treatment, and the after effects of a specific illness.

These products usually do work for men and women. Although men are normally the ones that are thought to be afflicted by hair loss, this inconvenient apparent loss of attractiveness also happens pretty regularly to women.

Some studies show that one out of four women suffer from female pattern baldness. This baldness or hair thinning usually begins to appear around the time of menopause. Some people think it’s caused by coloring or other negative treatment to your hair, but it’s actually caused by genes or a hormone imbalance. The good news is that a woman can re-grow her hair in the privacy of her own home.

Can You Really Grow Your Own Hair Back When You’re Going Bald? by Jason M Osborn

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