Ultimate 30 Day Beginners Guide To Fitness – Day 10 – Bodybuilding.com

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You’re learning about fitness nutrition and strength training this month, but that’s not all. Cardio also has a place in your fitness arsenal, and it’s time to get in your first session!

Over the last 10 days you have tried many new things, such as yesterday’s venture into machine-loaded resistance training. Today we work on another important area of fitness: cardiovascular training.

If you’ve ever tried to “get fit” in the past, you probably tried cardio training. In fact, there’s a good chance it’s all you tried, like ON athlete Dayna Tappan did for years. “I was only familiar with a treadmill, so I stuck to it like glue,” she wrote in the article “10 Pro Tips For Beginners.”

The 30-Day Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Fitness is all about expanding your fitness horizons. But that doesn’t mean there’s no room for familiar low-intensity activities like walking, running, biking, or the elliptical. Just like weights, they’re a tool. Kathleen will tell you more in today’s video.

Source: Ultimate 30 Day Beginners Guide To Fitness – Day 10 – Bodybuilding.com

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