The Ultimate Hardgainer Diet – 3 Tips

Despite all your best efforts for gaining weight and muscle mass has it still not happened yet? Are you sick and tired of you skinny genetics getting in the way of your muscle building attempts?

This article will reveal the correct hardgainer diet, so that you can start putting on the pounds. Moreover if you are working out, then a correct diet is vital to avoid injury.

Ok, so let’s get started…

1. The first and most obvious tip for hardgainers to gain weight is simply to eat much more. However this does not mean simply eating everything and anything. This common myth will lead you down the path of the “skinny-fat” guy. Instead you want to eat a balanced diet made up of roughly 45% carbohydrates, 35% proteins and 20% fats. Furthermore you want to ensure that you are eating about 6 meals per day (1 every 2-3 hours). Some recommended foods are:

o Carbs – Potato, Bread, Rice

o Proteins – Steak, Salmon, Tuna, Chicken

o Fats – Nuts, Peanut Butter and Olive Oil Olive oil, nuts and peanut butter

2. Supplements are also a very important part of the hardgainer diet. They help you work out harder and faster and also allow you to gain weight quicker and easier. However make sure that the supplements you choose to use have been around for a few years and are well known. Some of the newer “wonder” products may have negative long term effects. Not know now. Stick with the basics such as protein shakes, creatine (powdered), fish oil and multi vitamins.

3. The last part of the hardgainer diet is actually a workout exercise. If you want to bulk up and gain a lot of muscle mass then it is vital to incorporate the squat and the dead lift in all workout routines. In fact these two exercises are responsible for more muscle gain than any other exercise (according to bodybuilders worldwide). Put simply, if you want to build up muscle, then these 2 exercises are very valuable.

Ok, so there you have the ultimate hardgainer diet. Incorporate all 3 of these tips into your lifestyle and you will notice a big improvement in your muscle development. This is just the start however, if you want to really pack on the muscle then make sure you check out the website below for comprehensive workout routines and much more.

The Ultimate Hardgainer Diet – 3 Tips by Rory Wilkinson

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