Lower Back Exercises for Strengthening the Back

First of our lower back exercises is the Hyper-Extensions (Back Extensions): Lie face down on a flat bench, sliding forward to the end of the bench so that your hips are hanging off the end and your upper body is off the bench. Get a partner to sit on your legs and hold them down. Crossing your arms in front of your chest, elbows tucked in and keeping your back straight at all times, raise your upper body into a straight line with your lower body – and no further (do not arch your back). Bending at the hips, slowly lower your upper body towards the floor, and repeat.

Stiff Leg Dumbbell Deadlift Lower Back Exercises

Stand with feet shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent and grasp two dumbbells palms facing in. Lower the weights by bending forward at the waist keeping your head up, back straight, dumbbells hanging vertically down at arms length in front of you (don’t let them touch the floor). Slowly straighten back up, keeping your back straight and head up, and repeat these lower back exercises again.

Stiff Leg Barbell ‘Good Morning’

With feet shoulder width apart, stand upright holding a barbell across your shoulders. Keeping your legs and back straight and your head up, slowly bow forward at the waist until your upper body is parallel to the floor. Slowly return back up to the start position, keeping your back straight, and repeat.

Stiff Leg Barbell Deadlift

Stand with feet shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent and grasp a barbell in an overhand grip with hands shoulder width apart. Lower the weight by bending forward at the waist keeping your head up, back straight, barbell hanging down at arms length close to the front of your body (don’t let the plates touch the floor). Slowly straighten back up, keeping your back straight and head up, and repeat.

‘Superman’ Lower Back Exercises

Lying flat on the floor, face down with arms outstretched overhead, raise your legs, arms and chest up off the floor and squeeze for a couple of seconds. Slowly lower and repeat these lower back exercises. Try just lifting alternate arms and legs; left arm and right leg (pushing down on the floor with your right hand), then right arm and left leg (pushing down on the floor with your left hand).

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