How to Use the Secret of Square Breathing to Magically Improve Your Life

There is a hidden goldmine of benefits to be unearthed in the act of conscious breathing. Most people are unaware that this simple physical action can magically transform their lives in an infinite number of ways, especially when done with awareness and rhythm. Aside from the obvious health benefits and applications such as managing pain and stress during childbirth, conscious and patterned breathing is actually a little-known tool for manifesting desires and creating personal reality.

We all know that breathing is a necessary physical mechanism for taking in much-needed oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide back into the atmosphere for recycling. But more than that, followers and students of eastern spiritual traditions are aware that the breath carries with it, the vital life force. This powerful unseen psychic energy is known by many names such as qi (ki) or prana, among others.

When done in a rhythmic pattern and with full awareness, the breath becomes a magical portal to the quantumfield which is the realm of infinite possibilities. This is the reason why many ancient spiritual traditions begin their meditation practice by breathing consciously. Not surprisingly, in many of the more esoteric schools, secret rituals for manifesting one’s desired reality employ closely guarded breathing techniques. With this ancient hidden knowledge, breathing becomes a powerful tool for conscious creation.

Whatever your interest or purpose may be in learning patterned breathing, there is an easy-to-learn technique which will maximize whatever results you hope to achieve. This method of patterned breathing is often known as square breathing because of its four-part symmetry.

To perform square breathing, begin by slowing down your inhalation and exhalation. As your breathing moves into a calm and comfortable pace, momentarily hold in or retain your breath after inhaling and, in a similar fashion, momentarily hold out or suspend your breath after exhaling.

Seamlessly continue this sequence of “inhale-hold-exhale-hold” for an even-number of repetitions and eventually resume your normal mode of breathing. These momentary pauses or suspensions are important components of patterned breathing because they allow for the optimum circulation qi (ki) or prana throughout your body as well as for the efficient removal of “stale” energy from your system.

Use common sense in determining how long to suspend your breath. The duration for momentarily holding your breath either in or out can be shorter than the length of your inhalation or exhalation, perhaps no more than two or three seconds when first learning this technique. Stop at the any persistent sign of discomfort.

It is important to breathe slowly, rhythmically and comfortably, mentally following the air as it travels in and out of your body. Bear in mind that your lungs are wider at the bottom so you must inhale “low” into your body while comfortably distending your belly area and expanding your rib cage.

Integrate square breathing into your daily routine, taking every opportunity, such as waiting in line at a bank or a supermarket, to practice this technique. When you are feeling stressed out, step aside from whatever you are doing at that moment, find an isolated area and slow down your breathing into the recommended pattern until you begin to feel more physically and emotionally centered.

If you should ever need an out-of-the-box solution to a pressing problem, do a few cycles of square breathing. As you resume your regular breathing, mentally request for a solution to the problem at hand. Release your worry more and more with every exhalation. With consistent practice, you will be able to tap into the quantum field for solutions. Be aware that this universal energy field is the ultimate repository of infinite possibilities.

As a final note to ensure your full safety, do not engage in patterned or rhythmic breathing while doing tasks which require your full concentration, such as driving or operating dangerous machinery.

With your new awareness of the power of conscious, patterned breathing, you can now magically breathe creative energy into every aspect of your life. The secret to effortless living truly lies in your breath!

How to Use the Secret of Square Breathing to Magically Improve Your Life by Edwin S Lopez

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