10 Home Remedies For Bad Breath

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Bad breath can be a cause of great shame for us and it is a major cause of trouble for the people around us. The good thing is that it can be controlled easily.

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To avoid bad breath, it is necessary to see a dentist or try some of these home remedies I describe below.

1. – Remedy with spices – certain spices are not only aromatic but also have antibacterial properties that are good for your teeth and gums. Look at your kitchen for clove, fennel or anise seeds; they tend to be a simple home remedy to eliminate bad breath, just by chewing these spices after every meal.

2. – Chewing mint gum helps tremendously to eliminate unpleasant odors and keep your mouth fresh. Mint has the same effect as mouthwash.

3. – Brush your tongue – when it comes to oral care, most of us tend to overlook the part of brushing our tongue. All we do is brushing our teeth, rinsing and that’s all.

4.- Reduce caffeine intake – some studies have shown that coffee, beer, wine and whiskey can be a major cause of bad breath and some of them become lodged under the tongue, causing bad breath.

5. – Brush after every meal – it is advised that people should brush their teeth after every meal. This will help reduce the amount of bacteria on the teeth.

6. – Decrease the intake of cheese and dairy products, such products have a negative effect on bad breath in the mouth, so it is advisable to brush after consuming these milk derivatives.

7. – Drink Water – If you do not drink enough water, the amount of saliva is low so this causes our mouth to be dry and to have bad breath when speaking; in addition, the benefit of drinking water is that it has a pH of 7, which helps eliminate bacteria from our system.

8. – Drink Tea: The following infusions are effective in killing bacteria that are responsible for bad breath from the mouth: chamomile tea, thyme, rosemary, green tea, most of these infusions help the smooth functioning of the gastrointestinal system and the good digestion of food; being rich in polyphenols, they eliminate all types of bacteria that live in our mouths.

9.- Baking soda is another home remedy to eliminate bad breath, all you have to do is take 3 or 4 pinches of baking soda and brush your teeth and tongue, this will help eliminate the bacteria that are responsible for bad breath.

10.- Cider vinegar helps eliminate bad breath, what you have to do is put 1 tablespoon of cider vinegar into 1 cup water to dilute it and drink before eating, the properties of cider vinegar help eliminate bad breath.

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Source: 10 Home Remedies For Bad Breath

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