Lemon remedy to relieve joint pain and cramps | Natural Health
Lemon remedy to relieve joint pain and cramps | Natural Health
Lemon can be an excellent ally against joint pain and cramps because it has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Discover today how to prepare a natural remedy for lemon to relieve both joint pain and cramps.
Joint pain and cramps are common conditions in athletes, the elderly or those who make great muscle effort in everyday life. At any time, you may feel pain in your knees, elbows or wrists. You may also experience muscle spasms. Fortunately, there is a wonderful natural remedy that can relieve all these symptoms. This is the lemon.
If you belong to groups likely to suffer from pain and cramps in the joints, note well all the properties and the benefits of the lemon to fight against these troublesome symptoms .
Lemon has many virtues in vitamins C, A, B1 and B6, magnesium, bioflavonoids, pectin, folic acid, phosphorus, calcium and potassium. In addition, it contains other nutrients that strengthen the immune system, protect the liver and stomach and take care of the skin while avoiding the premature aging generated by free radicals. On the other hand, lemon is very indicated to relieve muscular tension and cramps.
However, you must first learn to identify these disorders so as not to confuse them with others, such as numbness. For this reason, we will talk to you today in this video about cramps, muscle aches and the benefits of lemon as a natural remedy.
What is a cramp and how does it occur?
Cramps are involuntary muscle contractions that occur suddenly and are accompanied by pain. They can be mild or sometimes very intense to the point of paralyzing the person for several minutes. One of their main features is that they prevent muscle relaxation, so the muscles remain tense and stiff.
In general, cramps can be a consequence of a low electrolyte concentration, which is due to a deficiency of potassium, calcium and sodium. In athletes, cramps usually occur at the end of high intensity exercise or muscle stress. To counteract these effects, it is essential to consume isotonic drinks, especially after training.
Other people can experience it during the night. Cramps occur most often in the legs, but can also be felt in the feet, hands, arms and abdomen. Lack of fluids, tiredness or overweight also promote cramps. Those that invade us during our sleep are usually due to an alteration of the blood supply to the muscles.
The origin of cramps is multiple. As we have seen, they can be caused most often by muscle tension, low electrolytes, poor blood circulation in the muscles and too much compression of certain nerves. To overcome these effects, lemon is highly recommended to treat both joint pain and cramps. ……For more watch a video in detail.
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