Vitamin D Benefits | What is the Best VITAMIN D Supplement

Vitamin D, a miracle vitamin?
Good for bones, for the heart, properties against cancer and cardiovascular disease, vitamin D is presented as a miracle cure. Problem: millions of people are deficient in Vitamin D. What are the risks of vitamin D deficiency? How not to be deficient in vitamin D? When to supplement it?
Nearly 80% of the French population is deficient in vitamin D. Vitamin D has an impact on many facets of our body. It protects our bones, our muscles and prevent cardiovascular disease and certain autoimmune diseases.

The vitamin D is a hormone that circulates in our body. Its two origins: the first is endogenous. It is produced in the skin through the action of ultraviolet rays on cholesterol. The second origin is exogenous and is derived from our diet, in particular oily fish, cod liver oil, as well as some plants such as mushrooms.

Once active, vitamin D acts in the intestines and kidneys to absorb calcium and phosphorus and allow its fixation on bone. In other words, it is involved in bone growth. The vitamin D deficiency therefore causes problems rickets in children and osteomalacia of problems (loss of bone) in adults with increased risk of fracture. But this is not the only role of vitamin D.

For evidence include this vitamin receptor everywhere in the body, whether the cardiovascular system, neuronal or at the pancreas. In other words, a vitamin D deficiency can occur in diseases such as the blood pressure, the MS or the diabetes. Not to mention that it also stimulates innate immunity and fight against infections, especially in winter.

The vitamin D is vitamin-hormone which has a centrally acting in many body functions. The required contributions vary by population, color of skin, age, hormonal status and of course the sunshine rate.
Vitamin D: supplementing baby avoid deficiencies

vitamin a benefits

Source: Vitamin D Benefits | What is the Best VITAMIN D Supplement

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