Acetylcholine Deficiency and Acetylcholine Function

It’s easy to avoid acetylcholine deficiency. Acetylcholine function benefits the body by working closely with inositol and the B complex vitamins. Acetylcholine is actually a fatty acid which is a water-soluble vitamin, not able to be stored by the body, needing to be regularly replenished through the diet to avoid depletion and deficiency.

Acetylcholine Function

Acetylcholine function is associated with mobiliazation of fats and prevents fat accumulation in the liver through cholesterol metabolism, facilitating the movement of fats into cells.

It is a neurotransmitter precursor which is metabolized to acetylcholine which is essential for the proper transmission of nerve impulses from the brain through the central nervous system.

Acetylcholine function also assists the formation of myelin, the fatty sheath protecting nerve fibers. Acetylcholine function also helps to regulate the kidneys and gallbladder, helps with inositol in the production of lecithin, and is vital for maintaining properly functioning membranes.

Acetylcholine Benefits

Thanks to the acetylcholine function in the utilization of fats, acetylcholine is essential for controlling weight and cholesterol levels.

Being a precursor to the neurotransmitter, acetylcholine function is known to play an important part in memory and learning processes. Acetylcholine benefits cognitive performance, memory and learning, concentration and alertness, and can help with nervous system disorders like Parkinson’s disease.

As a precursor of lecithin, acetylcholine benefits the body helping it to recover rapidly from athletic exertion. It can help prevent gallstones and may help fight infections.

Acetylcholine Deficiency

Factors that may increase acetylcholine deficiency include alcohol consumption, refined sugar, and heavy exercise.

Deficiency of acetylcholine is rare but may lead to liver and kidney problems, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). Other symptoms may include stunted growth, poor memory and concentration, poor digestion of fats and fatty deposits in the liver.

Acetylcholine Side Effects

There’s no official recommended dietary allowance for acetylcholine but supplements often provide a daily dose of 500mg.

Taking much more than the higher recommended limit of 3.5g per day may lead to such side effects as depression, nausea, high blood pressure, diarrhea, and excess sweating and saliva production.

Good Acetylcholine Foods

Here are examples of where to find animal food sources of acetylcholine and good plant foods rich in acetylcholine:

Animal food sources of acetylcholine : Beef and other meats, egg yolk, dairy products.

Plant foods rich in acetylcholine : Wholegrain products, oats, soy foods, nuts, legumes.

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