Health and Immune Function Benefits of Kiwifruit-derived Vitamin C by Dr Anitra Carr

Dr Anitra Carr presentation at the 1st International Symposium on kiwifruit and Health: Health and Immune Function Benefits of Kiwifruit-derived Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an essential micronutrient. Unlike most animals, we have lost the ability to synthesise our own vitamin C and must therefore obtain it from our diet. Fresh fruit and vegetables are the best source of vitamin C, and regular and adequate daily intake of vitamin C is required to prevent marginal vitamin C status (hypovitaminosis C) and the potentially fatal deficiency disease scurvy. Kiwifruit are an outstanding source of vitamin C with one kiwifruit providing twice the Recommended Dietary Intake (RDI) of vitamin C. We believe that vitamin C levels significantly higher than the current New Zealand RDI of 40 mg/day vitamin C are required for optimal health.

Source: Health and Immune Function Benefits of Kiwifruit-derived Vitamin C by Dr Anitra Carr

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