Multivitamins and Supplements – By WeBeFit

If you take a daily multivitamin, do you know why? (

More importantly, do you know what that pill is supposed to do for you? It may not be doing what you think.

5/18/2012 – Had a fascinating comment today. Somebody sent a rant that was angry we approve all comments before posting. (We do that so the conversation remains civil and doesn’t get full of spam or foul language.) Then they said they worked for a multivitamin company and that our purpose was to push OUR vitamin products over theirs. (They obviously didn’t watch the video. We don’t recommend ANY multivitamin products and we have never and will never endorse ANY vitamin product because that would be a conflict of interest.)

Once again, it validated the reasons why we put the rules below in place. We welcome a diverse range of opinion, but we want the conversation to stick with the facts.

In order to make a comment on this video, it’s important you follow the rules.

1. No comments will be allowed that don’t directly relate to the content of the video.
2. No opinions will be considered.
3. If you have a point to make, you must refer to medical or clinical data that validates your statement.

Without references your comment will be cheerfully deleted.

Presented by Daniel Reynen, President of WeBeFit Personal Training.

BEFORE you send us emails telling us about how YOUR company is different or YOUR supplement is the exception, please make sure you can do the following four things. If you cannot, you are merely sharing your opinion. We are restricting our comments to the facts.

1. Present a double-blind study, run by an independent third party, conducted on at least 500 subjects for a period of no less than 1 year. (5 years is preferred.) In the study, the subjects should be randomly chosen with half taking your multivitamin and the other half taking a placebo. At the end of the study, you should document through physical exams and blood tests the direct benefits of your multivitamin.

2. Have the ingredients in your multivitamin independently verified (with a seal on the label) by a third party company such as NSF International, U.S. Pharmacopeia / USP or Consumer Lab.

3. You list specific populations that would benefit from taking your multivitamin and what tests the consumer could take to see if they may need or benefit from taking your product.

4. You avoid listing “benefits” on the label or in your literature that are not clinically proven or vague. Terms like “support” are medically meaningless according to the FDA. Quit using them.

We used Digital Island Media for the filming, editing, sound and composition.

Source: Multivitamins and Supplements – By WeBeFit

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