Exercise – How to Strengthen Your Body and Improve Your Health

“You are never too old to become younger.” – Mae West

One of the mistakes often made by adults is to relate most health complaints in the later years to the aging process. While it looks “reasonable” to think so, it is a very fatal error.

This warped attitude and reasoning, stems from human nature in always wanting to put the blame of the woes affecting him or her on other people or things, when unable to explain certain phenomena or decipher the reasons for the happenings within or around him or her.

Use It or Lose It

It may look or sound strange to the uninformed, but it is true and very real. When we are young, our “restlessness” in actively engaging in a number of physical activities (whether programmed by our parents, school or not) helped greatly in keeping us healthy and physically fit.

For this reason, you will come to understand why athletic people, who exercise regularly, are usually healthier than most folks. The only exception being those who engage in the use of steroids or psychotropic drugs to enhance performance. This group, sooner than expected, pay an unusually high price for their indiscretions and fizzle out . . . like the airy breeze.

The important point to note here is the role of physical exercises in strengthening and revitalizing our body organs to keep them strong, healthy and functional at optimum levels. The more regularly you exercise, the healthier you become.

You either use your body well or you loose it. Put in another way, you either learn to always keep your body organs healthy, active and energized or you will gradually loose the ability to use them properly as the years go by. That should be enough food for thought.

Malaria and Exercise: What Is The Connection?

So what has this (exercise) got to do with the prevention, treatment, cure and eradication of malaria? And how can it help you to Be Malaria-Free For Life?

A lot. And the reason many people don’t recognize the importance of exercise in maintaining optimum health, is because of its simplicity. It has no fanciful names, jaw-breaking nomenclature or complicated gadgets to use nor procedures to follow.

Your body as a natural rule only requires that you keep its organs functioning at the best possible level through good nutrition and regular exercises. And to ensure that this simple requirement is met, your role is to give just a minuscule amount of your time, say ten to thirty minutes each day to exercise. That’s all. No big deals or hassles.

Now, is that too much to ask in order to keep you perfectly healthy and in addition make you to Be Malaria-Free For Life? If you consider that too much, what will you say of having to pay USD1,000 (one thousand US dollars) every time you are hospitalized for a malaria attack?

It is only ignorance and laziness that make people to procrastinate or feel reluctant to take action promptly when they ought to. And I define ignorance as the refusal to learn, when the opportunity is given. I implore you, please, don’t be ignorant by default; which has become a very common phenomenon these days.

Clearly, the choice is yours. One will cost you nothing and is absolutely FREE; and only requires that you put in a tiny fraction of your time and effort to guarantee an optimum state of health. The other will drain your resources, financial et al, and does not guarantee that you will not be hospitalized again. Choose whichever you think is safer, healthier, more reasonable and cost-effective.

You can learn a lot more about the connection between Exercise and the prevention, treatment, cure and eradication of Malaria by reading “The Real Causes And Cure Of MALARIA” (Second Edition), a.k.a. The Malaria Eradication Bible.

Prescription: Exercise

Therefore the prescription for this first month of the year is: E-x-e-r-c-i-s-e!

You will do well therefore to incorporate an exercise schedule in your resolutions for this year. The benefits are many and will astound you if you are persistent enough to allow them become manifest in the next few weeks.

And if you do, the results will further encourage you to improve on the efforts that you have made. The “January gains” will propel you to achieve higher goals right through the other months till December. By then a definite pattern that is peculiar and beneficial to you would have been set; and you can then capitalize on these “gains” . . . ad infinitum.

But not withstanding all that have been said, take note of this very important tip. If you have not been exercising for a long time, don’t be under any illusion whatsoever that “exercise” is all fun. Not at the beginning. You have to get used to the process of your muscles, nerves, sinews, tissues and bones to be “reborn” or “revitalized” through the stretching and pressure you will put them through.

This procedure will invariably and unavoidably mean that you will feel some initial (recommencement) pain. This is normal and temporary. It is the price you have to pay for the many years of body inertia and indolence, when you refused or were reluctant to exercise. It could therefore seem like “hard work” to begin with. Take heart, it is not. Your rusted “nuts” and “screws” need to be “oiled”, “loosened” and made free to perform their functions more efficiently.

If you are persistent and regular in your exercise schedule, the pains ease off in a few days when your body has become more flexible and responsive to your new resolve and command to it. Good practice makes perfect results. Then, it really becomes fun and enjoyable to exercise.

Tips for Chronic “Non-exercisers”

Secondly, if you belong to the group of “non-exercisers” of long years standing, I advise that you begin by consulting your Healthcare Provider to determine the suitability of an exercise programme; and one that is tailored to meet your exigencies. This is an important first step for you to take in order to weigh the options available to you regarding your current state of health vis-à-vis a suitable exercise programme.

Thirdly, if you have been certified fit to start an exercise programme or that you have considered it safe and proper to introduce same in your regimen, then you should take this precautionary step: Start Slowly but Steadily.

This means, whatever exercise programme you choose, should be introduced in a methodical, sustained and timely manner. No half-hazard or half-hearted attitudes will work. You must be disciplined and keep a definite time schedule. Start with a five to ten minutes period of exercising in the first few days, in order to “test the waters” and confirm your ability to go through the programme. Make adjustments that may become necessary.

If everything goes well, by the end of the first week, you would have been able to determine your “threshold point” and whether or not to increase the time duration for exercising. It is not uncommon for many people who started out on this “ten minute” recommendation, doing a “one to two hour work-out” by the end of the first month.

Please Note: You are not to do this to “please” anybody or think that you are preparing for a competition or contest with anyone. There are no golden, silver or bronze medals to be won here. It is all about YOU and Your Health. Therefore, do only that which will strengthen and fortify your body and improve your overall health. Don’t overdo anything; be moderate and rational and above all, be consistent. That is the key to achieving the best results.

Good Health and Longevity – These are the prizes you win from exercising regularly and they are worth much more than diamond, gold, silver and bronze medals or what money can buy. It only requires a very tiny fraction of your time, effort and the determination and patience to go through it.

By the way, exercise can be real fun, if you know how and decide to make it a daily routine.

A Remedy To Soothe Pain From the Strain of Exercise

Adults who last exercised in their primary or secondary school days are always an amusing group to watch. You need to see the gyrating postures and hear the “Ummhm” and “Aaah” sounds after the first few minutes of the attempt to re-introduce exercise into their lives.

Half-hearted individuals or those not really serious to make a positive change in their lives quit at this stage. They are unable to bear the “recommencement pain” which is only temporary. Even when this has been explained in detail before the exercises began. What a pity. For the majority of those really serious persons who would need some assistance to overcome the initial “recommencement pain”, there is a Mother Nature’s Home Remedy to the rescue.

Arnica Montana (Leopard’s bane, Fallkraut)

The signature of this natural herbal remedy is in the habitat of the plant from where it is produced. The arnica plant is found growing mostly in mountainous regions.

Ancient herbal literature has it that Shepherds who were also Herbalists, observed while they grazed their sheep in the mountain slopes, that whenever any of their sheep or ewe fell and got injured or bruised, the injured animals quickly found their way to where the arnica plant was and devoured its leaves. In a few days, they got well with the limping, bruises and swellings all gone. Fantastic!

It was from this source that the arnica remedy was proved extensively on healthy human beings to justify its efficacy and scope of usefulness. It is the amazing results from these scientific provings by ancient homeopaths that led to its introduction in Homeopathic medical practice with astounding results. Its benefits are now legendary and used all over the world till today.

Remedy For Traumatic Pains Par Excellence

Arnica is the natural remedy for traumatic pains par excellence; and should be an essential item in any Family Home Remedy Kit. You never know when you are going to need it, especially in a domestic emergency; say a fall from bed, a slip in the bathroom or kitchen.

You may laugh but it does happen when you least expect it. I had two cases of such domestic accidents (all arising from activities in the bedroom) to handle this holiday. And arnica was the remedy they both needed. In three days, they were all fine and well again.

During the process of exercising, the trauma experienced by the stiffened muscles, nerves and other body parts in trying to stretch out and be more flexible, give rise to the pains that people feel; sometimes very acutely. There are also the falls, missteps and bruises that occur during exercises.

The homeopathic remedy called Arnica Montana (Leopard’s bane, Fallkraut) or Arnica for short, helps to relieve these pains and the trauma associated with this process. It is a natural remedy that is also excellent for mechanical injuries and blows that have the muscles and body tissues traumatized.

You will find it readily available in Homeopathic Pharmacies, Natural and Holistic Healthcare Chemists Shops and Stores; and some Departmental Stores. It comes packaged in amber-coloured bottles in the form of granules, tablets or potentized liquids for internal use; and as creams and ointments for external use; while the tincture is mostly used in herbal baths for massaging, if the skin is not broken.

Note: The tincture must NOT be used on open wounds or broken skin; or taken orally.

Directions: In acute cases of pain after the exercise, take seven granules (or two tablets) and lick them on the tongue. Repeat every two hours for a maximum of six doses on the first day. From the second day, take thrice daily for three days. Additionally, for faster relief, rub Arnica cream or ointment on the strained painful parts of the body, twice daily until relieved. If pain has disappeared, stop further medication. Repeat only if pain reoccurs at subsequent exercise sections.

Don’t Panic: It is also good to remember that these pains, sometimes, do not start immediately after the exercise, but several hours later. More often than not, when the body has had some rest after the exercise. Therefore don’t panic but remain calm and take the most appropriate action to relieve the pains as advised. If you are not sure of what to do, consult your healthcare provider.

For emergencies/extreme acute cases: There are instances where the pain may have arisen from a fall during the exercise or an accidental blow from a partner in a group programme. In such a case, the remedy can be repeated more often to nip in the bud, all unpleasant effects that may follow if not attended to quickly. Suggested frequency which has been very effective from my experiences, is to repeat the dose every ten minutes for three times; then every fifteen to twenty minutes (3ice); then every thirty minutes (3ice) and so on. Each time increasing the time interval as the condition is improved. When you have reached the two-hourly interval, follow the directions for acute cases in the preceding “Directions” paragraph.

Note: Homeopathic remedies cannot be abused the way conventional allopathic drugs are. The Arnica remedy has a wide range of other related conditions that it is used for. The information provided here should therefore be used as a guide only for the specific condition (pain from exercise) discussed. It does not in any way replace your right to professional healthcare or medical advice. As with all medications, always consult a qualified healthcare provider conversant with the remedies you intend to take. Individual discretion is counseled.

Some Suggested Exercises

Here are a few of the exercises that can help improve your overall health. This is only a guide and should not be considered an exhaustive list or limitations. If you are the City type and can afford it, you may also wish to join a good Sports Club or Gym where there are Instructors or Guides who teach their members exercise techniques or help with customized exercise programmes. But I assure you, the simpler, the better. There are many innovative ideas about exercising these days which incorporate mental, emotional and physical procedures. Take your pick and use the ones that suit you best.

Aerobics, Jogging, Swimming, Tai-Chi, Tennis and other Physical Exercises – such as indoor or outdoor games that can make you sweat.

Deep-Breathing and Sun-Bathing – Learn the correct way to breathe-in and breathe-out. Increase your lung capacity through guided exercises and take the deep-breaths very early in the morning on rising and last thing at night just before going to bed. Expose your body to the early morning and late evening sun when the rays are a purplish-orange hue, to absorb the vitamin D benefits that it provides.

As you can see, there is a lot that you have to know in order to be perfectly healthy and Be Malaria-Free For Life! But let’s take them one at a time and most importantly, implement them correctly. That wraps it up for this month.


Now is your turn to put into practice, what you have learnt. You are now well on your way to strengthen your body, improve your health and eradicate malaria from your life and our World.

Until next month, when a new powerful Malaria Eradication Secret will be revealed,

This is to your Perfect Health and Be Malaria-Free For Life!

With Love and Affection.

Exercise – How to Strengthen Your Body and Improve Your Health by Dr. Sos Chifiero

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