Herbal Remedies For Constipation – 3 Herbal Remedies That Can Help End Your Constipation

You are hardly limited when it comes to herbal remedies for constipation; you will find that there is really a long list of herbal remedies for hard stools. Many herbal treatments are amazingly effective and provide super fast relief for your constipation issues too. Three common herbs for hard stool treatment include:

  • Alfalfa
  • Calendula
  • Lemon Balm


Alfalfa is a wonderful herb loaded with Vitamin K. The latter vitamin promotes the production of healthy bacteria inside the intestinal tract that help in breaking foods down so that they can be more readily assimilated. This herb also has a high level of chlorophyll which helps boost the immune system and promotes faster healing. What is really nice about this herbal treatment is that it is loaded with all natural fiber: a common remedy for constipation. What’s more, this herb has anti-inflammatory agents which can help to sooth irritated intestinal tissues. Finally, Alfalfa is also an herb that is filled with a number of vitamins that offer antioxidants which help in destroying cancer-causing free radicals in the body too.


Calendula, also identified under the common name Marigold, has been a long revered constipation treatment. A tincture made from this herb can be stirred into a cup of water and consumed three times daily for constipation relief. Calendula is also wonderful as a tea and works well in soothing issues related to stomach ailments. A single teaspoon of dried Calendula leaves can be steeped in hot water for a few minutes and consumed for hard stool relief. As a natural anti-inflammatory, this herb can be safely consumed in order to alleviate irritated tissues in the digestive tract too.

Lemon Balm

If you are having constipation and cramping, you can take Lemon Balm to alleviate the cramping; this herb is an all natural antispasmodic herbal treatment. Lemon Balm has been used for many years to treat issues with gas, flatulence, bloating, and abdominal cramping and it helps to naturally relax the digestive tract. This herb can be easily consumed as a tea by steeping some leaves in a hot cup of water.

Herbal Remedies For Constipation – 3 Herbal Remedies That Can Help End Your Constipation by Jane Burrell

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